Are Blacks Are Too Stupid to Obtain Voter ID?

I knew the problem was above you as is logic. The fact is they are working on a real problem that can not be fixed. There are too many without ID to fix. The point that eludes you is it is a real serious problem that was made by the reds to stop likely Dems from voting. There are close to zero people voting with other people's ID. ZERO.
Some with bigly help can get ID. Many more are not able to get help, because their problems are in the dark.
The real question ts are rightys too stupid to understand the problems people without ID have, or are they just lying to keep them from the polls. The answer is they do not care about their right to vote. Cheating them out of it is called winning.

Everyone who registered to vote is on a voting roll, even if they are inactive. That is a fact. At some point in their busy lives, they made the effort to register. Now, what the fuck makes going to get an ID that much more of a hassle? My mother is 94, she refuses to request a mail in ballot. She wants to vote in person. She doesn't miss an election, she gets to the polls one way or another. Mail in ballots should only be reserved for the military, the elderly, remote workers and the disabled. Every one of them has proof of some kind to prove they are who they are. Every one has friends or family that can help them.
You keep making it political, well, it's the same for us too, isn't it? Why do you oppose making voting better controlled? You whined and bitched for 4 fucking years, and continue to. You couldn't accept the fact that Trump won. You went off with the Russians helped Trump bullshit, Kavanaugh, impeachment circuses, etc. You were crying it was rigged too. Well, lets fix it.
Yeah, you keep saying it discriminates against the elderly. Most would vote Rep. anyway. They don't want to see the country they helped build go down because of leftist political and racial division tactics, and are tired of the media pouring it on day after day. And you let that Smollett fucker off for faking a racial assault too. No, they don't want your kind, and neither do 74 million (?) others, right?
you're a racist who thinks coloreds are too dumb to get I.d. stop lying.

And here is another righty too fucking stupid to understand not one lefty said that. But, you and about a hundred other rightys did. It would be humorous except people like you can vote.