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The conservatives deny human causation,
which is scientifically preposterous.
The way we caused it, however, and this is obvious,
was by excessive procreation and overpopulation.
Everything else is charging the symptoms with being the cause.
It would be stupid to think that humans should live like so many Woodstock hippies
in order to not pollute the planet.
Nobody is willing to address the OVERPOPULATION ISSUE, however.
That's the REAL Inconvenient Truth.
If we don't have the stones to do that,
I favor just living however the hell we want, environment be damned,
because all of the WOKE solutions won't lead to jack shit.
I'm too deep into my life to keep my house at 90º in the summer and 55º in the winter
or to drive some kind of stupid car that I don't want.
I admit the world would be better off with fewer people like you in it.