Are Democrats still supporting importation of Foreign Labor?

"The Royal African Company - Supplying Slaves to Jamestown"

"As early as 1618, King James I had granted a patent to a company that wanted to trade for gold and precious woods in Africa. Other groups also received rights to trade in Africa, but never dealt with slaves in any major way. English involvement in the slave trade would intensify after 1663, when a new patent was issued to the Company of Royal Adventurers. England had realized the money to be made trading slaves to the West Indies and Virginia. By 1668, over a quarter of the new company’s profits was derived from the slave trade."

Comparing slavery to modern immigration is actually great in showing how Capitalism becomes unrestrained without Ethnic Nationalism.

Slavery was always a very unpopular practice in America and Britain because it hurt the white working-class. This acted as a check on how many Blacks could be brought in. At one point in America, slavery was legal, but shipping in more slaves was illegal. This was a compromise to appease the white working-class.
However today, because of multiracialism, nobody cares about the country anymore. If slavery was legal today, everyone would be trying to buy a slave, even as the institution destroys the economy.

We're always going to have selfish Capitalists, but at least with Ethnic Nationalism, we can unite as a people to fight against exploitation of the country. But when a country becomes multiracial, people don't care about the larger national community. It's why people are supporting Trump now no matter what he does to the country. Sure, some people support him because they believe his lie about the wall, but there are also tons of people who support him only because he pisses off Liberals. This is where we are now.
I support NOT importing Third World Labor into the US.

So lets take an American educated virologist PHD/medical doctor from India(a third world country) married to an American born US citizen with three American children. She is already in the country(the borders are closed after all), but needs to convert her student work papers into a permanent work papers and get to work on a vaccine that might save us all.

You would have ICE go out and arrest her?
The Democrats don't want to deport illegals and they want illegals to have healthcare.
They may not use the term "open borders" but that's what this essentially is.

Obama deported millions of illegal immigrants, and along with Bush secured the border. There has been net zero immigration with Mexico for over a decade.

I would hope we get everyone here some basic healthcare, especially in this time of contagious diseases. If someone wants to buy health insurance, that is a good thing.
So lets take an American educated virologist PHD/medical doctor from India(a third world country) married to an American born US citizen with three American children. She is already in the country(the borders are closed after all), but needs to convert her student work papers into a permanent work papers and get to work on a vaccine that might save us all.

You would have ICE go out and arrest her?

Depends how long she takes on converting her papers. There is a difference between coming here illegally and coming here legally but ending up illegal because the system is slow.
Obama deported millions of illegal immigrants, and along with Bush secured the border. There has been net zero immigration with Mexico for over a decade.

But then in the DNC primary debates, Obama was relentlessly criticized for deporting illegals. Today's Democrats want open borders.
I can actually envision both Dems and Repubs support a 'Saudi Plan' where Third World Labor is allowed in to do certain Labor.
The excuse will be that 'Americans don't want to do that kind of Work'.

It won't be for the 'Glory of Globalization'.
It will be because it would cost too much to pay Americans to do the Work.

I keep saying, if it costs too much to hire an American to do a job, maybe we don't need the job done. 2% of the people in California are employed picking fruit, many are illegal aliens, and the rest are trapped in extreme poverty. They get paid $50 for a 14 hour day, well below minimum wage. Fruit is about 1% of the California economy. Maybe the solution is to demand the fruit industry either pays a normal wage, or goes out of business. There are plenty of other countries we can get fruit from.

I am using the word maybe, because I am unsure of the idea. It seems extreme to me.
But outside of the West, Capitalists haven't been able to get their countries to have open borders. Capitalists were able to do this in the West, but only after Jews took over the media and academia then promoted White Guilt and Globalism.

The real open borders are inside the EU. It is whites moving back and forth over them. An absolutely huge number of whites have moved back and forth over those borders.

We opened our state borders in the 1790's, and there has been both white and black migration.
Depends how long she takes on converting her papers. There is a difference between coming here illegally and coming here legally but ending up illegal because the system is slow.

trump signed an executive order making it impossible to get working papers. With the pandemic on, it was extremely difficult, now it is basically impossible. So people who would be easy cases, that should have sailed through, and that we even desperately want are being stopped from working.

That is the current reality.
So lets take an American educated virologist PHD/medical doctor from India(a third world country) married to an American born US citizen with three American children. She is already in the country(the borders are closed after all), but needs to convert her student work papers into a permanent work papers and get to work on a vaccine that might save us all.

You would have ICE go out and arrest her?

I have NO PROBLEM with the people that are already HERE. At some point, you have to draw up the drawbridge.
I keep saying, if it costs too much to hire an American to do a job, maybe we don't need the job done. 2% of the people in California are employed picking fruit, many are illegal aliens, and the rest are trapped in extreme poverty. They get paid $50 for a 14 hour day, well below minimum wage. Fruit is about 1% of the California economy. Maybe the solution is to demand the fruit industry either pays a normal wage, or goes out of business. There are plenty of other countries we can get fruit from.

I am using the word maybe, because I am unsure of the idea. It seems extreme to me.

So lets take an American educated virologist PHD/medical doctor from India(a third world country) married to an American born US citizen with three American children. She is already in the country(the borders are closed after all), but needs to convert her student work papers into a permanent work papers and get to work on a vaccine that might save us all.

You would have ICE go out and arrest her?

such a stupid test case.
I have NO PROBLEM with the people that are already HERE. At some point, you have to draw up the drawbridge.

I have a coworker who had to go to Toronto at the beginning of the pandemic. When he tried to return to NYC, it took an intervention from the Department of Commerce, and two weeks quarantine. And he is a US citizen.

The drawbridge is drawn. No one is getting in or out. Even if you could get in or out of the USA, other countries have closed borders. China has 20 or less international planes landing a day. New Zealand is going days without even one international plane landing.
such a stupid test case.

With most of the naturalization system closed, and almost all the borders closed, there are very few, very extreme cases left. To get processed, you have to prove that you are extremely important to the emergency, or something extremely important is happening to you.

That is what made trump's executive order so bizarre. The vast majority of people he was causing problems for were healthcare workers.
I have a coworker who had to go to Toronto at the beginning of the pandemic. When he tried to return to NYC, it took an intervention from the Department of Commerce, and two weeks quarantine. And he is a US citizen.

The drawbridge is drawn. No one is getting in or out. Even if you could get in or out of the USA, other countries have closed borders. China has 20 or less international planes landing a day. New Zealand is going days without even one international plane landing.

Yeah. You don't need a Passport to get INTO Canada, ... you need a Passport to GET BACK INTO the US.
With most of the naturalization system closed, and almost all the borders closed, there are very few, very extreme cases left. To get processed, you have to prove that you are extremely important to the emergency, or something extremely important is happening to you.

That is what made trump's executive order so bizarre. The vast majority of people he was causing problems for were healthcare workers.

stupid test case for general policy, stupid. you're an idiot.
Yeah. You don't need a Passport to get INTO Canada, ... you need a Passport to GET BACK INTO the US.

He had his passport. That was not the issue. I don't think you are understanding the situation here.

The borders are CLOSED. You are an American citizen, with a passport, and it is completely legal for you to be in the USA... GREAT, the borders are CLOSED!!! You cannot enter the USA.

So we were left trying to figure out an exception, because he was essential to the US economy. We are not talking gas station worker essential, we are talking about back up stock trading facility essential. The US Department of Commerce got involved, but they could not do it. Finally, we got him over the darn bridge... And he could not get to NYC because he had to be in quarantine for two weeks. They did not want him spreading his not having the disease into a disease hot spot.
stupid test case for general policy, stupid. you're an idiot.

The general policy is there is no one coming in or out of the country. We are locked in, and the rest of the world is locked out. The people who are here are in limbo, with almost nothing being processed.

Nothing has changed about that general policy, but we used to be able to get some stuff done in extreme cases. trump for stupid political reasons shut that down. Now we have extreme cases where nothing can be done.

This all has been massively mishandled.
He had his passport. That was not the issue. I don't think you are understanding the situation here.

The borders are CLOSED. You are an American citizen, with a passport, and it is completely legal for you to be in the USA... GREAT, the borders are CLOSED!!! You cannot enter the USA.

So we were left trying to figure out an exception, because he was essential to the US economy. We are not talking gas station worker essential, we are talking about back up stock trading facility essential. The US Department of Commerce got involved, but they could not do it. Finally, we got him over the darn bridge... And he could not get to NYC because he had to be in quarantine for two weeks. They did not want him spreading his not having the disease into a disease hot spot.

Cool story.
Do Democrats have the red ass because they can't bring in Third World Labor now?
Will they double their efforts when this is over?
It would mostly be Republican businesses that would use uneducated labor. Google is not hiring a bunch of Mexicans.

Yes. You would think that. But somehow, some way, Democrats have managed to convince people that they are anti-American Worker by their immigration stance.