Are Dems so dishonest because that's the only way they can survive?


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Conservatives are on a generally higher level of humanity than Liberals.

6 Reasons Why Liberalism IS A Mental Disorder (LOL)
MAY 4, 2016 AT 10:25AM

In 2005, Michael Savage famously wrote a book titled, Liberalism is a Mental Disorder, the subject of which is self-explanatory. Additionally, Dr. Lyle Rossiter, a board-certified clinical psychologist, wrote a book in which he diagnosed the ideology of the left as a tangible mental illness. Perhaps though, liberalism is not so much a novel mental disorder, but a more cleverly disguised form of illness already widely studied since the late ‘60s – narcissistic personality disorder (NPD).

Remember – There is an argument to be made that President Obama himself is a narcissistic sociopath.

The Mayo Clinic defines NPD as “a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance and a deep need for admiration.” This seems in tune with the fact that liberals – along with their degenerate offspring asking for “safe spaces” and hiding from chalk – believe their policies and platforms fall in the majority – or the 99% if you will – despite being outnumbered by conservatives in 47 of 50 states.

There are other symptoms that define NPD and the left alike…

Expecting constant praise and admiration

Being jealous of others

Expecting others to go along with your ideas and plans

Setting unrealistic goals

A sense of entitlement

Trouble keeping healthy relationships
Conservatives are on a generally higher level of humanity than Liberals.

Nothing like getting to the higher level of humanity by claiming people that don't agree with you politically have a mental disorder.

It is an interesting piece because it claims that trying to push through legislation not supported by the majority or blocking legislation supported by a majority makes you mentally ill.
I wonder what McConnell thinks about that.
55% say that failing to raise the debt ceiling would be a real and serious problem
Rusty Weiss is a freelance journalist focusing on the conservative movement and its political agenda.

He has been writing conservatively charged articles for several years in the upstate New York area, and his writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, American Thinker,, Breitbart, the Times Union, and the Troy Record.

He is also Editor of one of the top conservative blogs of 2012, the Mental Recession.
Look at this asshole

He’s wearing a bandana and a backwards ball cap

With a hoody

All brand spanking new


I bet he never wears them in public

What a stupid poser
I think you're an idiot.

You aren't capable of thought beyond the level of Koko.

Does the gorilla, Koko, have an IQ in the range 70-95?

Koko is a western lowland gorilla kept in San Francisco.

She was given IQ tests several times when she was younger and scored between 70 and 95, where 100 is considered normal for humans. Her carers insist she is not, however, a 'genius' gorilla, just typical for her species …
Look at this asshole

He’s wearing a bandana and a backwards ball cap

With a hoody

All brand spanking new


I bet he never wears them in public

What a stupid poser

Everything is about appearance to you because you all have IQ's less than Koko.
Rusty Weiss is a freelance journalist focusing on the conservative movement and its political agenda.

He has been writing conservatively charged articles for several years in the upstate New York area, and his writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, American Thinker,, Breitbart, the Times Union, and the Troy Record.

He is also Editor of one of the top conservative blogs of 2012, the Mental Recession.

And let's see what you have to say about the Pew Research Center.

Interesting New Pew Study; White Liberals More Likely To Have Mental Problems
Published: May 6, 2021
Getty Images by: Win McNamee

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Before everyone gets upset with me I want to explain that this is not me coming to the conclusion that white liberals are more likely to have mental problems it is science.

The Washington Free Beacon reported on a Pew Research Center survey that was published back in March of 2020. Apparently, not many people were paying attention probably due to the Coronavirus concern.

Even a liberal magazine titled Evie wrote an article talking about the very real possibility that there is a “scientific correlation” between liberal ideas and mental illness. This certainly explains a lot. I am constantly trying to figure out why liberals/Democrats think the way they do and believe in such destructive policies that tear our families and society apart.

According to Pew’s research white liberals/Democrats are much more likely than their conservative/Republican peers to have been diagnosed with one or more mental conditions.

Interesting to note the difference is more pronounced in the younger aged category of 18 to 29-year-olds. Another interesting finding was that young white liberal/Democrat females were the most likely to have been diagnosed with a mental condition.

Here are the statistics of young women diagnosed with a mental condition:

56% of young white liberals
28% of young white moderates
27% of young white conservatives

Here are the statistics of young men diagnosed with a mental condition:

34% of liberal/Democrat men
22% of moderate men
16% of conservative men

These numbers seem to be pretty high across the board, why are so many people being diagnosed with mental problems? Could there be something else afoot here?

Read More: New Pew Study; White Liberals More Likely To Have Mental Problems |
Nothing like getting to the higher level of humanity by claiming people that don't agree with you politically have a mental disorder.

It is an interesting piece because it claims that trying to push through legislation not supported by the majority or blocking legislation supported by a majority makes you mentally ill.
I wonder what McConnell thinks about that.

your totalitarianism is indicative of a mental disorder.
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Nothing like getting to the higher level of humanity by claiming people that don't agree with you politically have a mental disorder.

It is an interesting piece because it claims that trying to push through legislation not supported by the majority or blocking legislation supported by a majority makes you mentally ill.
I wonder what McConnell thinks about that.

I took you off ignore to give you a clue.

Not sell it to you or in exchange for any favor I want from you, but as an act of charity.

Once I post it, you will go back where you belong.

On ignore.

Read More: New Pew Study; White Liberals More Likely To Have Mental Problems |
You didn’t notice what a poser he was because you believe anything the idiot right feeds your limp brain


Read More: New Pew Study; White Liberals More Likely To Have Mental Problems |