Are Dems so dishonest because that's the only way they can survive?

I took you off ignore to give you a clue.

Not sell it to you or in exchange for any favor I want from you, but as an act of charity.

Once I post it, you will go back where you belong.

On ignore.

Read More: New Pew Study; White Liberals More Likely To Have Mental Problems |

People that recognize they might have a mental problem are actually quite normal when they admit they might feel depressed or worried about issues. Those that are truly mentally ill, won't admit they are mentally ill and refuse to accept treatment or even go to a doctor. (They also tend to read RW blogs and decide that is the truth rather than going to look at the data themselves.)
Trump supporters complaining about lying is like a hoarder complaining about a family member taking up space.
Trump supporters complaining about lying is like a hoarder complaining about a family member taking up space.

Trump bashers complaining about anything dealing with Trump are like blind men standing near an elephant's trunk and describing an elephant as a big snake.