Are humans hard-wired for faith?

Well maybe kill was too harsh a word. But people are certainly hardwired to be hostile to persons with foreign ideas. This isn't completely bad. The idea that you should kill and eat someone is very foreign to me, and I wouldn't mind killing them. But sometimes the amount of acceptable ideas in a society can become ridiculously narrow. And oftentimes in such societies those people get killed. The individual goes insane in a crowd - logic is the only defense.

Emotion is logical. We become emotional dealing with issues related to our direct survival. Anti-emotionalists attack emotion because they're trying to get people to do things harmful to themselves. For instance, people who rightfully and understandably wish to protect their jobs from globalist fascists, get angry when globalists argue they have no inherent right to the traditional protections of a border. And globalists call them "emotional" for not accepting their own demise with grace.
labels...labels...I am me and not too labelable.
But then binary thinkers like yourself have real problems with that concept don't they ?
I have not see any one bin yet that I fit into.
labels...labels...I am me and not too labelable.
But then binary thinkers like yourself have real problems with that concept don't they ?
I have not see any one bin yet that I fit into.

Words mean things. I know you hate that truth, as it stops you from assuming an elite pose when your ideas actually suck.
your definition of the west defending itself and my definition are different.
You win. I have decided that arguing with rocks is a waste of time.
your definition of the west defending itself and my definition are different.
You win. I have decided that arguing with rocks is a waste of time.

You won't even acknowledge a threat. Yes I do win. Because I kicked your ass.
I believe in the simplistic binary of winning and losing. You go contemplate your shades of wrong.