Are Libertarians Relevant: THE POLE

Are Libertarians Relevant?

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Ha, I’m just playing around. Jesus, you Rontards have some kind of collective inferiority complex. Good Christ, have some dignity and self respect, and stop groveling and begging people to take your Rontard ideas seriously!

And seriously, grow a thicker skin, you teabagging Rontards! I’ve been called a communist, a traitor, and an al qaeda sympathizer for ten years and I pretty much laugh it off. Maintain, and don’t wig out!

Sweet, enjoy! Those books seem to be popular with the 28-year old nerdy virgin set. (j/k, man)

Cypress you're such a bitch. Does the destruction of your precious health care bill have you bitter?
Ha, I’m just playing around. Jesus, you Rontards have some kind of collective inferiority complex. Good Christ, have some dignity and self respect, and stop groveling and begging people to take your Rontard ideas seriously!

And seriously, grow a thicker skin, you teabagging Rontards! I’ve been called a communist, a traitor, and an al qaeda sympathizer for ten years and I pretty much laugh it off. Maintain, and don’t wig out!

Sweet, enjoy! Those books seem to be popular with the 28-year old nerdy virgin set. (j/k, man)
They sure don't have a sense of humor about the ugly truth that they've never accomplished anything, do they? :clink:
They sure don't have a sense of humor about the ugly truth that they've never accomplished anything, do they? :clink:


And what praytell has your ideology accomplished lately? You're ineffective on a far larger scale.

Plus your whole argument is stupid, Mott. As if the Libertarian Party CAN do anything within the confines of a two-party system. Your continuing claim otherwise demonstrates either total ignorance of the realities of our political system or a complete dishonest partisanship.

And what praytell has your ideology accomplished lately? You're ineffective on a far larger scale.

Plus your whole argument is stupid, Mott. As if the Libertarian Party CAN do anything within the confines of a two-party system. Your continuing claim otherwise demonstrates either total ignorance of the realities of our political system or a complete dishonest partisanship.

Not to mention that libertarian ideals have and do play a (big) role in our country's economic make-up and individuals such as Milton Friedmon etc.

How can our site's 'best debator' not have such knowledge of libertarianism?


haha... just fucking with you Mott.
If the JPP "Titles" weren't already a joke he should definitely get his yanked for this. Just about the worst argument I've ever heard.

Dixie-esque, in fact.
I just want to remind all of the lefties on here that I am not actually a libertarian myself. I expect that I will enjoy reading Rand's cherished novels, but Objectivism is so far out there it even pitted her against libertarian ideology.

The reasons why I promote libertarianism are: 1) it is vastly superior to neoliberalism and neoconservatism, which currently dominate the political spectrum. 2) it has greatly influenced me in the evolution of my political thought over the past 7+ years by being exposed to the thinking of RStringfield, Ironhead/Beefy, IH8, Adam, Epic, and so forth. I think the cure to neoconic and populist control over the GOP is through libertarians such as Ron & Rand Paul, and Gary Johnson. 3) Libertarians seem to be the only people on the fiscal right who will advocate policy which will seriously address the financial problems of national recessions and debt.

I guess, in a sense, my paleoconservatism is a dying ideology, whereas the natural evolution of the American mind makes people more able to relate to libertarianism now than at any point in the 20th Century. The future could very well see neoliberalism and libertarianism as the primary political philosophies in American politics.