The listing from the Thesaurus shows the synonyms for "burden" and quite accurately highlights the real meaning of the word, the truncated version from merriam webster notwithstanding. Everyone knows what a burden is, and everyone knows what DY meant when he used that word. He is usually very careful with his word choice (the Talmud/Torah fuckup is not normal). Those who come to his defense on this are nothing but partisan hacks. They all know what he meant, and they defend him nonetheless. Fucking sick.
Main Entry: burden [bur-dn] Show IPA
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: mental weight; stress
Synonyms: Herculean task, accountability, affliction, albatross, anxiety, ball and chain, blame, care, charge, clog, concern, deadweight, difficulty, duty, encumbrance, excess baggage, grievance, hardship, hindrance, load, millstone, misfortune, mishap, obstruction, onus, punishment, responsibility, sorrow, strain, task, tax, thorn in one's side, trial, trouble, weary load, work, worry
Antonyms: aid, help, relief