i will be glad to... And then we'll see if you have any balls and are willing to do likewise on the thread where you got that sentence.
Burden as a word has many synonyms, the vast majority of which are negative in connotation. Given our long and unpleasant history, I had little doubt that your use of the word burden was specifically and precisely chosen to irritate me. And, as I am sure you know, you were successful in doing so. However, it was my belief that your characterization of military retirements as a burden on our country would not sit well with most folks who recognized the negative connotation of that word. It is interesting to see that folks from a relatively broad spectrum of political philosophy agreed with me, and only one or two folks seemed to take your side. I think your earlier stated reluctance to advance your theory of military retirements being a burden on our country at your local American Legion hall is proof that you knew that the connotation of "burden" was onerous regardless of the Mirriam-Webster definition you presented.
Now... Show some stones, you chickenshit little pussy, and go back and explain how the Talmud was given word for word from God to Moses on Mt. Sinai. I'd put money on my prediction that you will not do so.... Simply because you really ARE a cowardly piece of shit. Prove me wrong. I dare ya.