I was a Safety volunteer in a pilot's union for over 20 years. Safety was the main reason for pilot's unions but over the decades the "dark side", our affectionate name for the political side, took precedence even though they kept the safety motto.
In order to work, the Safety side had to remain staunchly, without a doubt apolitical so any recommendations wouldn't be seen as a political contractual ploy for more money, vacation days, etc. We used to joke "in Safety, we're not political. We have our own politics."
I suspect Antifa is similar; they're not particularly Socialist, Anarchist or Democrat, but they certainly seem to have their "own politics". One is how they deem someone a "fascist". Sure, Trump is a racist idiot and a wannabe dictator but he can't become a dictator because our style of government and the thousands of American patriots sworn to defend the Constitution. IMO, they're just as fucked up as "militia" idiots running around the woods practicing for RaHoWa.
The bad thing here, as it appears to me, is that there are LW idiot counterparts to the militia idiots who think that if they can bait Trump into overreacting with martial law or replaying Kent State to kickstart "the Revolution". You know, the same shit being passed around college dropout basements since the 1950s. So far, the LW idiots plans to bait Trump are working.