Are the COVID choices you're being offered ACTUALLY choices??


These are the three "choices" that are being offered to many people across the States of America at the moment:

1. Take the jab
2. Get tested
3. Get an exemption (religious or medical)

12/09/2021 EDIT: ALTHOUGH, #3 gets combined with #2, so essentially there are only two "choices" being presented:

1. Take the jab
2. Get tested

end 12/09/2021 EDIT

But are these ACTUALLY choices???

With regard to pure identities, they are. Taking a jab isn't the same as getting tested isn't the same as getting an exemption.

HOWEVER, when logically and philosophically extended, there isn't any choice being presented at all, as follows:

1. Undergo an invasive medical procedure against your will.
2. Undergo an invasive medical procedure against your will, and then once ol' Joe "loses his patience" again, #1 will be required under this option as well.
3. Undergo an invasive medical procedure against your will, since #2 is still required under this option, and then once ol' Joe "loses his patience" again, #1 will be required under this option as well.

Additionally, #2 and #3 aren't always being presented to people as options, which if not then just leaves #1 (which is not a choice even in the sense of pure identities). And, like I just outlined above, #2 and #3 both flow right back to #1 after ol' Joe "loses his patience" again.

So, ARE choices actually being allowed with regard to COVID?? My take is NO, effectively no choices are being allowed, thus my choice in response to such egregious violation of a basic human right is civil disobedience.

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Your refusal to quote me, since you're a mindless parroting pussy, is noted...

Choice, 4
Don't get the vaccine
This choice is not being recognized by federal (and some state/local) government regarding the 100+ million people of whom my OP is about... please pay attention.

Spread Covid .
An unvaccinated person is not diseased. One cannot spread a disease that one doesn't have. You know this full well, so stop pretending that you don't.
So if you are required to wear a shirt at a job, you're being forced to wear it?
Straight away to the apples and oranges comparisons, ehhh?? Seriously??

Wearing a shirt is not an invasive medical procedure.

My OP is about invasive medical procedures effectively being forced upon people via intense coercion tactics (in this case, removing one's source of income from them).
Straight away to the apples and oranges comparisons, ehhh?? Seriously??

Wearing a shirt is not an invasive medical procedure.

My OP is about invasive medical procedures effectively being forced upon people via intense coercion tactics (in this case, removing one's source of income from them).

It's an apt comparison. Companies have politics on clothing and medical procedures. Some companies require drug test. Some require medical screenings. Some require you to be vaccinated against other viruses.
It's an apt comparison.
No, it's not.

Companies have politics on clothing and medical procedures.
Not what this thread is about. Please re-read the OP.

Some companies require drug test. Some require medical screenings.
These are invasive medical procedures. (Edit: fixed typo)

Some require you to be vaccinated against other viruses.
Illegal, and not what this thread is about. This thread is about the "choices" being presented to 100+ million people, and how those "choices" are not actually choices.

Do you believe that choices are being offered to these people? Why or why not??
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No, it's not.

Yes it is. The topic is choices when it comes to jobs.

Not what this thread is about. Please re-read the OP.

Yes it is. The topic is choices.

These are not invasive medical procedures.

Are flu shots invasive?

Illegal, and not what this thread is about. This thread is about the "choices" being presented to 100+ million people, and how those "choices" are not actually choices.

Yes it is. Do you believe it isn't a choice when a hospital staff is required to be vaccinated against smallpox?

Do you believe that choices are being offered to these people? Why or why not??

Yes I do believe as explained above. If you want to work for a company, you must abide to their rules and policies. If you do not want to do that, you are free to look for other jobs.
Your refusal to quote me, since you're a mindless parroting pussy, is noted...

This choice is not being recognized by federal (and some state/local) government regarding the 100+ million people of whom my OP is about... please pay attention.

An unvaccinated person is not diseased. One cannot spread a disease that one doesn't have. You know this full well, so stop pretending that you don't.

Our hospitals say 100 percent of the people jamming the beds are unvaccinated. Do you have to be so dishonest? Therefore the unvaxxed are spreading it among themselves.
Yes it is. The topic is choices when it comes to jobs.
... when it comes to unconstitutional government mandates...

Yes it is. The topic is choices.
... with regard to invasive medical procedures.

Are flu shots invasive?

Yes it is. Do you believe it isn't a choice when a hospital staff is required to be vaccinated against smallpox?
A requirement is not a choice.

Yes I do believe as explained above. If you want to work for a company, you must abide to their rules and policies. If you do not want to do that, you are free to look for other jobs.
Government mandates upon a company to create particular rules/policies are not a company creating particular rules/policies.

Why do you pretend to not know basic stuff like this? (rhetorical question)
... when it comes to unconstitutional government mandates...

... with regard to invasive medical procedures.


A requirement is not a choice.

Government mandates upon a company to create particular rules/policies are not a company creating particular rules/policies.

Why do you pretend to not know basic stuff like this? (rhetorical question)

So it is unconstitutional to require companies to keep their employees and workplaces safe and healthy? Is OSHA unconstitutional?
Our hospitals say
Which ones? Name them.

100 percent of the people jamming the beds are unvaccinated.
LIE. Fabrication. You are completely full of shit.

[1] This is per NBC News, so it's a source that you should be a huge fan of.
[2] This NBC News report is quoting Anthony Fauci, so that's a source that you should be an even greater fan of.

You are lying. You are fabricating. You are completely full of shit.

Do you have to be so dishonest?
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

See YOUR OWN above dishonestly, fucknuggets

Therefore the unvaxxed are spreading it among themselves.
Complete and utter dishonesty, cockmuffin