Are the Dead From the Minneapolis Bridge Collapse Victims of Conservative Ideology?

What kind of idiot blames the current admin for the collapse of a bridge buikt 40 years ago that may have had design flaws to begin with?

Did anyone blame Bush?

I'm pretty sure the blame here goes toward de-funding infrastructure on the state level.
Did anyone blame Bush?

I'm pretty sure the blame here goes toward de-funding infrastructure on the state level.

hasn't Minnesota traditionally been a "blue" state? I'm pretty sure it has not been dominated by Republicans. The article is trying to blame conservative ideology i.e. - tax cuts for the reason the bridge collapsed. So tax cuts are the reason the bridge was built with a design flaw? And if Minnesota has for the most part been run by Democrats I would surmise tax cuts haven't been at the top of their agenda.

Basically a weak attempt at making partisan hay.
hasn't Minnesota traditionally been a "blue" state? I'm pretty sure it has not been dominated by Republicans. The article is trying to blame conservative ideology i.e. - tax cuts for the reason the bridge collapsed. So tax cuts are the reason the bridge was built with a design flaw? And if Minnesota has for the most part been run by Democrats I would surmise tax cuts haven't been at the top of their agenda.

Basically a weak attempt at making partisan hay.

Cypress posted a very specific attempt by the Republican Gov. to NOT fund a transportation bill that would have provided money for such improvements.

Cutting funding to transportation is obviously a contributor to this failure.
They knew about the flaws, and they knew about its structural dubiousness, and they refused to put forth the money to fix it. Design flaw or not, not fixing the problem that they knew about under the administration of a Republican Governor is a Republican's fault. Sorry.
I think its a compelling argument. (Although to be fair, the big dig incident in Boston is probably due to the shitty job the contractors did.)

This is what happens when you divert funds to pork bills and unfounded invasions and subsequent invasions.
They knew about the flaws, and they knew about its structural dubiousness, and they refused to put forth the money to fix it. Design flaw or not, not fixing the problem that they knew about under the administration of a Republican Governor is a Republican's fault. Sorry.

Sorry yourself homeboy. That money would not have gone into effect until the future. Would not have made a difference today.
Umm the death estimate is now at 8.

We have that many killed in freeway pileups....

but a good diversionary tool from the war.
hey somneone had a youtube vid of Rove with a sledge hammer on one of the pilings the day before the collapse.
So now the conspiracy freakos will step in.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, Bush had the bridge collapse so we could take the focus off the war!!! I wish I had thought of that.

And Bush has also drugged posters on this board to focus on several individual Republicans sick sexual acts to take away the board's focus on the war.

ASSHAT, I'm with you my brother. It's all a big conspiracy!!! The truth shall set you free!!!!!!
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, Bush had the bridge collapse so we could take the focus off the war!!! I wish I had thought of that.

And Bush has also drugged posters on this board to focus on several individual Republicans sick sexual acts to take away the board's focus on the war.

ASSHAT, I'm with you my brother. It's all a big conspiracy!!! The truth shall set you free!!!!!!


and I think rove was wearing a little white apron too.
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good one Dave :D
You forgot about the overbooking of the roadways.

Don't know whats gotten into me the last few days. Yesterday I was telling beefy and Damo about Title 26 of the U.S. Code that defines income and forces us to pay taxes, and made fun of the idea of privatizing something. Never thought, being a libertarian, that I would do either one of those.

It never hurts to debate on the benefits of privatizing something, but roadways is definatly an area where we need to be kept public. But we do need to start demanding better care of them.