That's the truth. People are wonderfully blissfully ignorant of a lot.
They flush something down the toilet and it's forgotten, like some kind of magick black hole. I've been to the sewage treatment plants to install instrumentation there. I know what city people flush down the toilet. You can see a lot about society in a wastewater treatment plant!

They don't think about what goes on in kitchens of restaurants, auto repair centers, aircraft maintenance centers, tanneries, sewer systems that need to be maintained, electrical power stations or the wonderful guys that work on the lines to bring it to your city...willing to work in any crappy weather, and often climbing up a pole to do it (no bucket lift available!).
They just don't think about what it takes to make that meal, get power out of the wall, get that water supply working, deal with sewage and plumbing systems for it, fix that car, get that airplane flying again working in any weather despite the ingrates in the terminal building whining about their late flight.