Are The Seeds I Just Planted Your Food?

If you actually were a farmer, you would know that many state and local governments zone land for agricultural use, and/or establish tax incentives, to prevent the conversion of productive farmland to commercial uses.

Call it socialism if you want, but as a society we have collectively decided through our elected representatives that protecting and maintaining productive farmland is in the general interest of the nation.

Farming and ranching IS a commercial use.
I worked at a food service delivery co. It goes to fine restaurants too. They splash it up to make it look fresh, city people don't know what fresh is. "Trailer trash," at least rural trailer trash, know who to grow or can get fresh.

Oh yeah. I've worked at restaurants myself. People don't want to know what's going on in the back of the restaurants. LOL.
Productive and valuable farmland tend to get protected against commercial development by zoning laws and tax incentives. That is not to say less productive and less valuable farmland cannot be converted to other uses.

Land is not of less value simply because it happens to be a farm, dumbass.
Dear fucking idiot

Your prospective customers moved away to California because there was no food where you are

No one on the slides

No one buying your tickets

You shits can’t be any more lame

They are all at the many Californian water parks instead

Fuck you very much

People are moving OUT of the SODC if they can. It's becoming a wasteland. The devastation of the ranchers and farmers living there is particularly acute.
Massive numbers of ranches that are left gone to wile. Groves of fruit trees dead and dying, and left to go wild. Thousands of acres left fallow and to go wild, abandoned. It's all through the San Joaguin and Sacramento valleys. Once productive farmland and ranch land is no more.

The SODC now imports much of what they use, from paper, food, water, electric power, and other products. They want to ban internal and external combustion engines.

In my opinion, I would shut off all trade with the SODC, build a fence around it and properly vet people entering the United States from there, and let them sit in the dark gazing at their own navel.
Maybe only then will then get a clue that they have to produce power, grow their own food and supplies, drill and refine their own oil and natural gas products, build water and maintain water collection systems, and stop making it next to impossible to run a farm or a ranch.

The arrogance in the SODC is astounding.
I worked at a food service delivery co. It goes to fine restaurants too. They splash it up to make it look fresh, city people don't know what fresh is. "Trailer trash," at least rural trailer trash, know who to grow or can get fresh.

What trailer trash?

I live on farm, and built a nice home on it. I built it myself, and all the outbuildings too. The only trailers I have are various equipment trailers, material haulers, and one RV (a nice one) that I use for vacationing in.
Oh yeah. I've worked at restaurants myself. People don't want to know what's going on in the back of the restaurants. LOL.

That's the truth. People are wonderfully blissfully ignorant of a lot.

They flush something down the toilet and it's forgotten, like some kind of magick black hole. I've been to the sewage treatment plants to install instrumentation there. I know what city people flush down the toilet. You can see a lot about society in a wastewater treatment plant! :D
They don't think about what goes on in kitchens of restaurants, auto repair centers, aircraft maintenance centers, tanneries, sewer systems that need to be maintained, electrical power stations or the wonderful guys that work on the lines to bring it to your city...willing to work in any crappy weather, and often climbing up a pole to do it (no bucket lift available!).

They just don't think about what it takes to make that meal, get power out of the wall, get that water supply working, deal with sewage and plumbing systems for it, fix that car, get that airplane flying again working in any weather despite the ingrates in the terminal building whining about their late flight.
Realtors love buying up farmland. They divide it up into small lots and sell them to city assholes coming here to retire.

Land developers, actually. Realtors only sell the land. It is the land developer that goes to the county to subdivide the land.
That's the truth. People are wonderfully blissfully ignorant of a lot.

They flush something down the toilet and it's forgotten, like some kind of magick black hole. I've been to the sewage treatment plants to install instrumentation there. I know what city people flush down the toilet. You can see a lot about society in a wastewater treatment plant! :D
They don't think about what goes on in kitchens of restaurants, auto repair centers, aircraft maintenance centers, tanneries, sewer systems that need to be maintained, electrical power stations or the wonderful guys that work on the lines to bring it to your city...willing to work in any crappy weather, and often climbing up a pole to do it (no bucket lift available!).

They just don't think about what it takes to make that meal, get power out of the wall, get that water supply working, deal with sewage and plumbing systems for it, fix that car, get that airplane flying again working in any weather despite the ingrates in the terminal building whining about their late flight.

You and I really don't like entitled people. ;)

We love California

It’s you that hate farmers in Cali ass crack

No, I do not hate farmers in the SODC. I feel sorry for them. They are trapped. They want to leave the SODC but they are having trouble selling their land. The SODC now imports much of their food and supplies.
If you want fresh burgers, eggs, lettuces, and such, go directly to the farmers themselves.

Can't buy fresher!

I used to live in Hawaii. People here do not have any idea what a fresh pineapple takes like, what a fresh coconut tastes like, etc.
Coconut is particularly loathsome here in the States. It takes like sawdust here by comparison.

Oddly enough, one of the most popular dishes in Hawaii today is Spam. They can't get enough of it! It's all imported.

Dave Barry said it best I think:
"No matter what culture or people you visit, we all have one thing in common...we're all crazy!"