Are there actually any legit SCARY movies out there that are actually GOOD?

There are no scary movies now. There are those that startle you, but as an adult I am no longer frightened by movies.

i have seen disturbing movies, but not really scary like even I was a kid.
I should tie you up and superglue your eyes open and force you to watch Gigli... or worse...Sex Lives of the Potato Men. You'll be scared....very scared!
don't say exorcist please.

I am not talking gross out, or torture porn type movies. I am talking psychologically scary movies that are sayyyyy greater than a 7.5 on imdb.

Preferably not old movies, but I'll take what I can get.

I don't think steven king stuff is scary. Or any hitchcock stuff.


Though I will say "it" freaked me out when I was a kid... fuggin clown
The two movies that most scared me when I was a child were The Birds and The Exorcist. But then I was 2 when The Exorcist came out and my father had me watching it with his biker pals when I was around 8 or so, it was extremely realistic to an 8 year old who grew up in a church where the casting out of demons was a normality. Yeah, the dichotomy of my parents was immense.
The two movies that most scared me when I was a child were The Birds and The Exorcist. But then I was 2 when The Exorcist came out and my father had me watching it with his biker pals when I was around 8 or so, it was extremely realistic to an 8 year old who grew up in a church where the casting out of demons was a normality. Yeah, the dichotomy of my parents was immense.
That's interesting. You share something in common with my Mother. Her scariest movie was Hitchcocks "The Birds" as she has had a life long phobia about birds.
The two movies that most scared me when I was a child were The Birds and The Exorcist. But then I was 2 when The Exorcist came out and my father had me watching it with his biker pals when I was around 8 or so, it was extremely realistic to an 8 year old who grew up in a church where the casting out of demons was a normality. Yeah, the dichotomy of my parents was immense.

I know it is personal, and you don't have to answer, but were they divorced?
That's interesting. You share something in common with my Mother. Her scariest movie was Hitchcocks "The Birds" as she has had a life long phobia about birds.
For weeks afterward I couldn't see a flock perched on wires without terror...

I watched it as an adult and laughed at how crappy the effects looked and wondered how I could have been so terrified as a child. However if birds fly at eye level I still duck and clamp my eyes shut. I can't stop myself.

LOL. Frickin' silly, but true.
Be warned there is a lot of nudity initially until things start to get crazy.

I saw The Wolf of Wall Street a few days ago, talk about sex and nudity! It's supposed to be based on a true story. If this is what happens on Wall St. it's a miracle we don't have more financial crises.