Are there any dems here that are disgusted with their party?

You are trash in a bag of stupid

Hell yes we will kick you lie filled disinformation bot holes off the planet

Cry more loser
Suck that putin cock non stop

See if it saves your stupid

It wont

I'll give you the same suggestion I always do ..walk your dog... it'll do you good to get some fresh air... and your pup will be so happy!!
Seen what? What is coming?

Russia? Putin is an asshole.

Grab my ass?

Are you going to forcefully heave me off the planet?
You would nuke your own country? You are pure evil.

You simply cannot make some of these people
Suck that putin cock non stop

See if it saves your stupid

It wont

Russia was a hoax. Right now Putin is fighting globalists and we are siding with those globalists. Our money going to Ukraine is helping to destroy our country. You are far to stupid and know nothing but propaganda. Short on truth and very heavy on lies.
Let's clarify this as it is something said all the time and its painfully stupid.

We are completely tolerant of your views. We do not have the power or choice to not tolerate them. You are not being silenced. You can voice them. And you do.

What you are mistaking and saying is 'when i say stupid things Dems call me out but Republi'cans' do not'. Well d'uh.

If i create a thread today saying 'water is dry and the sun is cold' the way to be tolerant is not to agree with my views. It is not intolerant of my views if people say that is stupid.

One of the biggest problems we have in todays society is that too many on the left believe that in the name of civility to the right we should not use words like lie and stupid when they lie and are stupid. That we need to pretend views on 'both sides' have merit.


Stupidity and lies need to be called such while they are tolerated.

China does not tolerate speech. You go to jail if you say certain things. That does not happen when right derps say dumb things. But people like Ron DeSantis are trying very hard to use government to dictate what speech citizens in Florida can use. That is the only type of intolerance you will see in the US currently when it comes to speech.

Russias disinformation bot holes just keep trying to make the failed game work again

They are fucked

Big time loser kings
But it was easy for some lame ass Putin slave to write you into existence loser

I guess this means your dog isn't going to get a walk... you should really hire someone exercise for those pooches are important...
I guess this means your dog isn't going to get a walk... you should really hire someone exercise for those pooches are important...

Translation: I have nothing to defend my idiot positions with so I’m presenting lame assed personal insults to highlight my stupidity
And how exactly is the Democratic party responsible for not prosecuting criminals.
Not the Party. Dim leadership in general. For example:
Portland, Oregon, city leaders used a "hands off" approach Aug. 22 when groups of armed protesters clashed in the city
Who is on the zombie committee?
I already indicated > :dunno: But we all sure know who the zombie is.
Why should race and gender not be considered.
It should be but not the only consideration. Case in point:

You don't think Biden (or his committee) could have chosen a better VP ?
Apparently Republicans choose their judges based on their participation in an organization. I'll take a qualified black candidate any day over that.
Good for you. This is not about WhatAboutism. I have no use for Republicans - already stated in the OP.
Every state that has legalized marijuana tolerates, hell, ENCOURAGES the open use of illegal drugs.
Alaska is one of the first states to legalize MJ. You don't see druggies on the street in Anchorage injecting. The far left city council members might would tolerate it but our mayor absolutely doesn't.
I'm not sure what that has to do with the price of tea in China.
It doesn't. It has to do with dim leaders in general tolerant of criminal behavior. Never heard of CHAZ ?
I'm really not sure what these riots against the first amendment were, I can't wait to hear this one.
Democrat Party Antifa Stabs Police Horse in the Neck Using a Nail-Topped Pole

The fact he doesn't come out every day and brag about how he is the greatest president in history does not change that one iota.
:palm: More WhatAboutism. Not what this thread is about. How many times do I have to tell you I have no use for the republican party.
Lots of things need fixing,
I think we'll have to wait for Trump to keel over from hyperlipidemia, hypertension, Type II diabetes, pancreatitis, etc. There is no cure for The Cult that I can see.
I've tried to reason with a MAGA. I may as will try to reason with an antifa/BLM mostly peaceful protester.
so let's figure out solutions to fix them instead of moaning day after day after day about how damn bad they are? I don't get it.
Best is to go live around like minded folks. E.g., I avoid shit hole cities. Anchorage and Kailua-Kona (heavily democrat - they can do things right !) three months in the winter along with about four weeks a year in Leipzig suit me fine.
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Like pretty much everything you say in post 24.

I gave references with links to everything I posted there in #50 except for me quitting the republicans in '99 of course. But you can find that in loads of my posts from my time here.
There are some things I don't like about the party, but ultimately, I'd rather have Democrats than Republicans in office.

This isn't about which party you prefer. Of course you prefer the Blue Team, that's what the OP was directed to. It seems the point of the OP was lost on Concart, Qp! and you.
Yes, me. The Democratic party, as all Americans parties, is a corrupt power consolidating machine that rewards manipulative measures to subvert the direct will of the people and grift power to specific people for the mutual benefit of a small group of powerful people.

Look at us agreeing