Are there any real conservatives running in 08'?


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Guliani and McCain are in the lead for the Republican Nomination..

Happy day for American if Guliani is the Nominee... a Liberal Republican v. a Liberal Democrat......

I wont care who wins... Ill be free to vote 3rd party!
If Giuliani got it I'd be stunned. McCain stands a chance... However the RR machine can derail either.
Is McCain still a conservative after 6 years of supporting Bush ?
Well mostly, he did differ on a few points, but went along with most of the Bushie stuff.
Much less of a conservative than Bush. McCain is McGovern compared to Bush.
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McCain is less of a Social Conservative and more of a Fiscal Conservative. I'd be happy with McCain.
McCain is less of a Social Conservative and more of a Fiscal Conservative. I'd be happy with McCain.

Id be 1000 times happier with him than I am with Bush.

Really, who else is there on the Republican side not scared too much by an association with Bush?
Me neither, not after his time spent under Bush. although I agree he would have been much better than Bush.
For the Democrats there are tuns of people...

I don't know yet.

I know that Tancredo is likely to run just to get some of the debate over to the Border...
Are there any real conservatives running in 08'?

None that have a chance. McCain and Guilliani are moderate to liberal.

Bush, who ran as a conservative, has bascially discredited conservatism in presidential elections. At least in the short term.
Are there any real conservatives running in 08'?

None that have a chance. McCain and Guilliani are moderate to liberal.

Bush, who ran as a conservative, has bascially discredited conservatism in presidential elections. At least in the short term.
Tom McClintock is running for Lt. Governor of California. He's going to lose though.
Now that George Allen has made himself unelectable in a nationwide race, Mitt Romney is positioning himself as the christian right's darling for the 08 primaries. He'll play a huge role in 08.

And McCain is not a liberal, he is more of a war hawk than even bush. Guiliani is a facist in training. People, and I mean dems, wake up and stop being fooled by the simple-minded formula the media give you. "Pro-choice and doesn't hate gays! Look how "liberal" this republican is".

Do you have any idea of Rudy's record on civil rights when he was mayor of NY? Of course you do not. You only know him from 9/11.

He's the country's worst nightmare, especially now that PResidential powers have been so expanded under the bush regime. You have no idea what you are cheering for here, or what this country would like under him.

However, I don't really have to worry about the mass stupidity of democrats who will run out to VOTE FOR RUDY! with a stupid smile on their faces.

He can't make it through the repubican primaries. They don't realize that he's a hitler in the making (or they'd be panting over him). See, the Christian right has also bought into the simple-minded "abortion and gay marriage define liberal and conservative" mantra.

And so Rudy cannot win their votes. They too, ignorantly believe he is a "liberal". Thankfully.
Much less of a conservative than Bush. McCain is McGovern compared to Bush.

Please, explain this statement. I would especially like to hear what issues you find him standing up to Bush on and how he is as you say "McGovern compared to Bush"???
the only thing I recall McCain standing up to bush on was torture of prisoners. It sems he dropped into lockstep on pretty much everything else.