Are trumps tax returns still under audit?

No one really cares what you think. Why is that even relevant? People in the know say he is.

So what?

So what?


You obviously care what I think. You comment on every thread that I post. I can manipulate you almost as easy a tRump can......)
While it is certainly not uncommon for large corporations (of which the trump organization is not one of) to have audits that last for several years, trump has been using this excuse since the early 2000's. It is also perfectly legal and appropriate to release those returns that are under audit. In fact, corporations do it all of the time.
So, are trumps returns really under audit? Probably not, but his excuse is still BOGUS nonetheless. The degree to which trump is preventing their release gives credence to something damaging within. What is also ironic is the degree that the "trump worshippers" will go to in defending their confidentiality-something that they would NEVER do for a president of another party. That then begs the question, what are the trump supporters themselves so afraid of?

Yes. Stay tuned..........
To be transparent, he does set the tax policy for the rest of America, might be nice to know that the President meets his civic responsibility just like the rest of us, used to be Presidents set the example

Interesting, character used to be a big principle for conservatives, well, least that is what they said

The only thing that tRump sets an example for is lies, manipulation, theft and "banging" porn stars. Wow, what a lot for Conservatives to support there.
So you think Archives is running for president.

of course not......I think he's a mindless lib'rul fuck up just like you........

knowing Trump's taxes will show you lying about Trump's taxes would show us nothing except your stupidity......its a shame that while you believe Trump is a damn crook you've been examining him as closely as any president has ever been examined and so far all you've shown is how stupid demmycrats can be..........
The bottom line is this: Given trumps massive ego and penchant for bragging about everything (while saying nothing substantive) he would post his tax returns EVERYWHERE flaunting his money if he were not hiding something pretty substantive.
The bottom line is this: Given trumps massive ego and penchant for bragging about everything (while saying nothing substantive) he would post his tax returns EVERYWHERE flaunting his money if he were not hiding something pretty substantive.

They are coming. Stay tuned

We are working with Putin to doctor them up
As usual, you "ask" no questions. You just parrot trump talking points. Try getting your head out of tRump's ass for a while and do some independent thinking.

As usual, you bloviate like a dishonest dumbass. Yes, shit-for-brains, those were real questions. But I understand what a dishonest, worthless piece of human excrement like you refuses to answer them. ;)
The bottom line is this: Given trumps massive ego and penchant for bragging about everything (while saying nothing substantive) he would post his tax returns EVERYWHERE flaunting his money if he were not hiding something pretty substantive.

^Moron thinks the IRS doesn't know what are in Trumps tax returns. :laugh: