Remember when we got a flu SHOT? It wasn't called a vaccine because you can still catch the flu. Why doesn't that definition apply now? We aren't actually getting vaccinated, we are getting a shot.
[ vak-suh-neyt ]
verb (used with object), vac·ci·nat·ed, vac·ci·nat·ing.
to inoculate with the vaccine of cowpox so as to render the subject immune to smallpox.
to inoculate with the modified virus of any of various other diseases, as a preventive measure
I would argue, correctly, that these shots are not making us immune nor are they preventing the virus from infecting you. The term "vaccine" is a phony claim as is the many political policies intended to protect us from a relatively harmless virus. Particularly in the case of Omicron.
We are being gaslighted. It's time to wake up sheeple.
[ vak-suh-neyt ]
verb (used with object), vac·ci·nat·ed, vac·ci·nat·ing.
to inoculate with the vaccine of cowpox so as to render the subject immune to smallpox.
to inoculate with the modified virus of any of various other diseases, as a preventive measure
I would argue, correctly, that these shots are not making us immune nor are they preventing the virus from infecting you. The term "vaccine" is a phony claim as is the many political policies intended to protect us from a relatively harmless virus. Particularly in the case of Omicron.
We are being gaslighted. It's time to wake up sheeple.