The remora of JPP
The dumbest analogy on the planet. Comparing seatbelts to vaccines. Moron.![]()
Do seatbelts prevent deaths 100% of the time? Yes or No? It's a simple question.
The dumbest analogy on the planet. Comparing seatbelts to vaccines. Moron.![]()
No Sir! I will not just go away for your benefit so you can go on your reckless and dangerous rants based on ignorance and insanely biased politics without a FACT OR REALITY CHECK!
You didn't even answer the most important question I asked you!
Wouldn't it be wonderful if they came up with a reasonably efficient vaccine against stupid. We might actually be able to save the Republican Party as the loyal opposition.
Re-read the point and get back to me when you have the slightest clue of what this topic is about.
\ ˈhaf-ˌwit , ˈhäf- \
: a foolish or stupid person
You actually think that they claimed that all vaccines are 100% effective in preventing viruses???![]()
Do seatbelts prevent deaths 100% of the time? Yes or No? It's a simple question.
I have no problem with Trump asking anyone to take a shot. I took the shots myself. That isn't the point being made here. But alas, you have the IQ of an amoeba and are incapable of comprehending much of anything.
Now run along. You don't have to desperately prove you're a simple minded, uneducated moron every damned day.![]()
There's a reason people threadban that asshat. I started banning him from most threads due to his constant, insufferable shitposting.
On topic, the only reason I can think of for calling them vaccines is it sounds more "sciencey" than covid shot.
Sir, your childish insults are those coming from a windbag!
And you have failed to make any point here!
Exactly what point do you feel like you have made?
In your defense, you have made at least one point very clear to us all- THAT YOU ARE AN IGNORANT WINDBAG!
(I'll try one more time) The polio vaccine PREVENTS polio.
The Chicken Pox vaccine PREVENTS Chicken Pox.
Tetanus, Tuberculosis, Hepatitis, all are prevented by vaccines.
Covid is not. The Covid shot is not a vaccine that prevents the disease. We now know this and know that we are being gaslighted.
This is a moronic strawman. You're an incoherent moron who is too stupid to see how moronic you sound. I get it. You prefer to remain an uneducated moron. Carry on you tedious troll.![]()
There's a reason people threadban that asshat. I started banning him from most threads due to his constant, insufferable shitposting.
On topic, the only reason I can think of for calling them vaccines is it sounds more "sciencey" than covid shot.
Well they certainly are injecting people with something.
How is that anything other than shitposting, considering the OP?
^THIS, is why you can't argue with churlish, dishonest, uneducated, low IQ idiot on steroids.
Yes, I get it. You wish to remain a boorish moron and so be it.![]()
How is that shitposting? The OP says it isn't really a vaccine because it doesn't prevent anything as per his understanding of the definition. My post was a quip. If the vaccine doesn't work in preventing the virus, then what is in the "shot"?
As a part of the definition, a vaccine has a modified virus in it. Does the covid shot has a modified version of covid in it?
No, it doesn't. It has a messenger RNA strand in it that causes the body to produce the covid-19 "spike protein".
Essentially, the vaccine teaches your body how to make the protein that triggers antibody production so if the real virus later enters your body, your immune system will recognize and fight it, according to the CDC.
That's the purpose of a vaccine. So it IS a vaccine.
"teaches your body"
Thanks for googling a really dumbed down description to share with 3rd graders.
You asked me if the covid shot had a "modified version of covid in it". I correctly answered that it does not. You provided a dumbed down version of what I already posted. Then you refuted a point I didn't make. Congratulations!![]()
Interesting how you view those scientists at CDC.![]()