Are we actually "vaccinated?

Not the definition of a vaccine. Vaccines work by inducing a weakened 'disease'. They are NOT an antigen. They teach your body how to make antigens against the selected virus. Learn English.

So you are saying that you know what the definition of 'vaccine' is more so than dictionaries do?

Yes or no, please?
Not the definition of a vaccine. Vaccines work by inducing a weakened 'disease'. They are NOT an antigen. They teach your body how to make antigens against the selected virus. Learn English.

Vaccines are examples of antigens in an immunogenic form, which are intentionally administered to a recipient to induce the memory function of the adaptive immune system towards antigens of the pathogen invading that recipient. The vaccine for seasonal influenza is a common example.[6]
So you are saying that you know what the definition of 'vaccine' is more so than dictionaries do?

Yes or no, please?

Night has already claimed to be a greater medical expert than the Mayo Clinic or Johns Hopkins, based on his own knowledge, without any need to do research. As with so many other alt right posters here, if they were the experts they claim to be, we have to wonder why they are wasting their time here, and not curing cancer?
Night has already claimed to be a greater medical expert than the Mayo Clinic or Johns Hopkins, based on his own knowledge, without any need to do research. As with so many other alt right posters here, if they were the experts they claim to be, we have to wonder why they are wasting their time here, and not curing cancer?

Did you see the post above (#79) where he claimed that NO ONE has died of Covid-19?

Of course...I guarantee you he will offer nothing to back up his claim.

And if I push him enough times for evidence?
He will just toss out his old standby (or so it seems)?
The '________ fallacy' excuse.
Did you see the post above (#79) where he claimed that NO ONE has died of Covid-19?

Of course...I guarantee you he will offer nothing to back up his claim.

My all time favorite is where Night claimed that pneumonia was only bacterial, and cannot be a virus. I presented him with citations from the Mayo Clinic, and Johns Hopkins saying that it can be viral, and he responded they did not get to decide scientific definitions. Then I asked him for some proof of his claim, and he told me that he did not need to prove it.

His National Guard/Militia claims are similar. I present him with actual quotes from the Constitution, he throws a temper tantrum and says they are unconstitutional... But cannot quote where in the Constitution it says it is unconstitutional.

And if I push him enough times for evidence?
He will just toss out his old standby (or so it seems)?
The '________ fallacy' excuse.

It is like arguing with a brick wall. I get reality in, and then I try to ignore his ignorance.
Remember when we got a flu SHOT? It wasn't called a vaccine because you can still catch the flu. Why doesn't that definition apply now? We aren't actually getting vaccinated, we are getting a shot.

[ vak-suh-neyt ]
verb (used with object), vac·ci·nat·ed, vac·ci·nat·ing.

to inoculate with the vaccine of cowpox so as to render the subject immune to smallpox.
to inoculate with the modified virus of any of various other diseases, as a preventive measure

I would argue, correctly, that these shots are not making us immune nor are they preventing the virus from infecting you. The term "vaccine" is a phony claim as is the many political policies intended to protect us from a relatively harmless virus. Particularly in the case of Omicron.

We are being gaslighted. It's time to wake up sheeple.

everything about covid is a lie.
No it's so that YOU can understand. :rofl2:

Here's a more accurate definition:

a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease.

A vaccine is not an antigen.
Yes. Anyone can google what experts say.
Void authority fallacy. Buzzword fallacy. 'Expert' worship.
If a vaccine does what it does, it's a vaccine as per the definition.
Your definition is wrong. A vaccine is not an antigen.
You trying to fight me on that one won't change that fact.
Not a fact. An argument. Learn what 'fact' means.
The OP thinks the term "preventive measure" means it prevents the virus 100% of the time. :rofl2:
No vaccine prevents any virus. A vaccine teaches your body how to effectively fight off a virus with little or no symptoms appearing.
How can you not see the humor in that? By that logic, eating less red meat doesn't help because it doesn't prevent heart diseases.
False equivalence fallacy. Belittlement fallacy.
And let me guess?

You cannot provide a link to even a shred of unbiased, factual evidence to back up that claim?


A Holy Link is not a proof. Evidence, however, does exist.

Covid19, like ALL of the other variants so far discovered in the Covid/SARS series of viruses, does not kill. It CAN induce pneumonia, however, which certainly CAN kill, if not caught and treated early.
The 'data' from the CDC and WHO are fake numbers. It is unknown how many have actually died due to pneumonia induced by covid19. It is unknown how may are or were infected. It is not possible to measure it.

Everything from pneumonia, to heart disease, to cancer, to people falling of ladders, has been blamed on covid19.

Funeral home directors are just not seeing all the extra bodies. Neither are the grave site managers. This is documented in their own records. The only thing that has changed is how and where they collect the bodies to process. Some have gone public about it. If so many people are dying from covid19, where are all the extra bodies?

The federal government PAYS States more money if they report higher Covid numbers. States receive money for handling Covid. They get MORE money if there is 'more' Covid. There is great incentive to fake Covid numbers. The Oligarchy (what's left of the federal government) and some State governments have found a way to implement controls over people.

Democrats have found that they can control populations by keeping up the fear mongering over covid19. This has not been ignored by other governments around the world either. In some places, the lock downs and brutality has been astounding. It is the rise of the evils of fascism all over again.

The world has gone through far more devastating diseases and plagues than covid19, WITHOUT SHUTTING DOWN. Even the Black Death lasted for only a few years, and did not shut down Europe like covid19 is being use to do now, and THAT plague killed half the population of Europe before it was all over.

But Fauci is arguing for wearing masks forever.

Covid19 in and of itself does not kill. Watch for the pneumonia, and treat it early if it shows. Other than that, there is nothing to fear from this virus.
There is a LOT to be concerned about with the fear mongering.
So you are saying that you know what the definition of 'vaccine' is more so than dictionaries do?

Yes or no, please?

Just because Lefty puts a definition in the form of a dictionary entry means nothing. Also, dictionaries do not define any word. That is not their purpose. No dictionary owns any word. False authority fallacy.

The term 'vaccine' comes from the Latin word 'vacca' meaning cow, and later 'vaccina' or 'associated with cows'. This odd eytomology of the word comes from Edward Jenner's work in treating cowpox, a disease shown to be caused by a virus. This treatment was based on the theory of intentionally injecting a weakened form of the virus into a healthy animal, and thus protecting that animal from the worst effects of that virus.

A vaccine is NOT an antigen, as 'defined' (actually redefined) by Lefty. The body's own immune system is the antigen. It is the body's own immune system that actually destroys the virus.

So...the direct answer to your question is yes.
Night has already claimed to be a greater medical expert than the Mayo Clinic or Johns Hopkins, based on his own knowledge, without any need to do research. As with so many other alt right posters here, if they were the experts they claim to be, we have to wonder why they are wasting their time here, and not curing cancer?

Neither the Mayo Clinic nor Johns Hopkins define the word 'vaccine'.
False authority fallacy.
My all time favorite is where Night claimed that pneumonia was only bacterial, and cannot be a virus.
Pneumonia is an opportunistic infection in the lungs. It can be treated if caught early enough.
I presented him with citations from the Mayo Clinic, and Johns Hopkins saying that it can be viral, and he responded they did not get to decide scientific definitions.
Science is not a definition. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. Neither the Mayo Clinic nor Johns Hopkins can change that.
Then I asked him for some proof of his claim, and he told me that he did not need to prove it.
I already have shown you the philosophy behind the definition of 'science'. You just ignored it.
His National Guard/Militia claims are similar. I present him with actual quotes from the Constitution, he throws a temper tantrum and says they are unconstitutional... But cannot quote where in the Constitution it says it is unconstitutional.
I already have shown you where you misquoted the Constitution too. You just ignored it (and the Constitution as well).
It is like arguing with a brick wall. I get reality in, and then I try to ignore his ignorance.
Define 'reality'. Betcha can't. Let's see you describe how this word came to have the meaning it has. You're gonna have to turn to philosophy for this one, something you deny.

The only one throwing a temper tantrum is YOU.
everything about covid is a lie.

Generally true. There are, however, some things with a grain of truth in it.

* Covid19 does exist.
* It is possible to be infected with it (humans can be infected by it).
* It has the typical symptoms of other viruses from the Covid/SARS series (and indeed from many viruses!). Sniffles, sore throat, congestion, fever. It also has the unusual symptom of inhibiting the sense of smell (beyond the usual stuffiness).
* Like any other virus from the Covid/SARS series, or the influenza series, or the rhinovirus series, it can induce pneumonia, particularly in the elderly or those prone to weakened respiratory systems (like smokers).
* Symptoms of infection can be mitigated or even eliminated through the use of a vaccine.

NO vaccine prevents infection. It teaches the body what to do with the infection if it does occur, reducing or even eliminating any symptoms of the infection. The smallpox vaccine, for example, does not prevent infection from smallpox, but it DOES teach your body how to destroy it quickly before it gets very far. This is what immunity is.

As a vaccine, the covid19 vaccines really do seem to be rather ineffective in mitigating symptoms and infections of covid19. This has been shown on cruise ships, for example, a nice isolated 'petri dish' of a test, where everyone on board was inoculated by a covid19 vaccine, continuous testing is done, and masks are required everywhere, yet covid19 still ran through the passengers and crew of the ship. This occurred with an Alaskan cruise ship not very long ago.

As Truth Director correctly states, covid19 does not kill. Indeed, it is the mildest variant of the Covid/SARS series of viruses so far discovered.

There is no such thing as an Omicron variant of covid19. There is no such thing as a Delta variant of covid19. You cannot have a variant of a variant. Any new variant of the Covid/SARS series is a completely new virus. You correctly point out the lie of 'Delta' and 'Omicron'.

The lie is the fear mongering. It has but one purpose, which is the same as the Church of Covid, the Church of Global Warming, the Church of the Ozone Hole, and the Church of Green.

It is to implement fascism and communism. It is to justify totalitarianism.