Are we actually "vaccinated?

Agreed. They get their science knowledge off FB and Twitter.

Seriously, I think all Americans should have to pass a citizenship exam before being allowed to vote. These idiots will only vote for stupid stuff.
I don’t agree with that, but I do wish people would research and not be so gullible.
We're obviously vaccinated, other than the idiots.
The question is whether or not we're immunized.

Wrong. You've been gaslighted to think this is about vaccinating, but it isn't. But then, you being the gullible dipshit you seem to be, you're perfectly willing to bleat like a compliant, non-thinking sheep.

Vaccines prevent. This is merely a shot that reduces your chances of severe illness. Stop listing to Dr. Fraudchi.
Dude, you and your fellow idiots are the sheeple for believing this nonsense.

^Dipshit doesn't understand the concept of irony. :palm:

Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person.
I'm a sad, triggered, thread trolling mental case in need of a hobby.

Sucking Trump's buttondick isn't enough for you?

Remember when we got a flu SHOT? It wasn't called a vaccine because you can still catch the flu. Why doesn't that definition apply now? We aren't actually getting vaccinated, we are getting a shot.

[ vak-suh-neyt ]
verb (used with object), vac·ci·nat·ed, vac·ci·nat·ing.

to inoculate with the vaccine of cowpox so as to render the subject immune to smallpox.
to inoculate with the modified virus of any of various other diseases, as a preventive measure

I would argue, correctly, that these shots are not making us immune nor are they preventing the virus from infecting you. The term "vaccine" is a phony claim as is the many political policies intended to protect us from a relatively harmless virus. Particularly in the case of Omicron.

We are being gaslighted. It's time to wake up sheeple.

You have to remember the left manipulates language to fit their narrative. They changed marriage, they have changed male and female and now it's vaccine. They will do anything to press the agenda. Anyone of them would kill their own grandmother if they thought it would help so changing the definition of words is child's play to them.
You have to remember the left manipulates language to fit their narrative. They changed marriage, they have changed male and female and now it's vaccine. They will do anything to press the agenda. Anyone of them would kill their own grandmother if they thought it would help so changing the definition of words is child's play to them.

Spot on! :thumbsup:
You have to remember the left manipulates language to fit their narrative. They changed marriage, they have changed male and female and now it's vaccine. They will do anything to press the agenda. Anyone of them would kill their own grandmother if they thought it would help so changing the definition of words is child's play to them.

Funny because you are doing EXACTLY like that. :laugh: