A Holy Link is not a proof. Evidence, however, does exist.
Covid19, like ALL of the other variants so far discovered in the Covid/SARS series of viruses, does not kill. It CAN induce pneumonia, however, which certainly CAN kill, if not caught and treated early.
The 'data' from the CDC and WHO are fake numbers. It is unknown how many have actually died due to pneumonia induced by covid19. It is unknown how may are or were infected. It is not possible to measure it.
Everything from pneumonia, to heart disease, to cancer, to people falling of ladders, has been blamed on covid19.
Funeral home directors are just not seeing all the extra bodies. Neither are the grave site managers. This is documented in their own records. The only thing that has changed is how and where they collect the bodies to process. Some have gone public about it. If so many people are dying from covid19, where are all the extra bodies?
The federal government PAYS States more money if they report higher Covid numbers. States receive money for handling Covid. They get MORE money if there is 'more' Covid. There is great incentive to fake Covid numbers. The Oligarchy (what's left of the federal government) and some State governments have found a way to implement controls over people.
Democrats have found that they can control populations by keeping up the fear mongering over covid19. This has not been ignored by other governments around the world either. In some places, the lock downs and brutality has been astounding. It is the rise of the evils of fascism all over again.
The world has gone through far more devastating diseases and plagues than covid19, WITHOUT SHUTTING DOWN. Even the Black Death lasted for only a few years, and did not shut down Europe like covid19 is being use to do now, and THAT plague killed half the population of Europe before it was all over.
But Fauci is arguing for wearing masks forever.
Covid19 in and of itself does not kill. Watch for the pneumonia, and treat it early if it shows. Other than that, there is nothing to fear from this virus.
There is a LOT to be concerned about with the fear mongering.
Just as I thought - nothing.
You seem to be allergic to links.
And though I agree the governments have MASSIVELY overreacted to Covid-19.
That has NOTHING to do with your assertion that it kills no one.
1) Pneumonia is not a disease.
It is a condition.
Just like a heart attack is a condition...not a disease.
2) Pneumonia is FAR from the only thing that causes death in Covid-19 patients.
'Although COVID is thought of as a respiratory disease, many victims have damage to their heart and other organs, plus neurologic symptoms such as headaches, impaired consciousness, hallucinations, loss of smell and taste, and stroke. Yet the virus does not seem to invade the heart or the brain directly.
What researchers do find is blood clots, both microscopic and large.'
So, your statement that Covid-19 does not kill people is put to rest.
You have offered NOTHING to back up your RIDICULOUS claim except your own theories.
Heck - you do not even seem to know what 'pneumonia' is.
You are strange - and I sincerely mean no offense.
For every decent idea you put forward - like the nation going nutso over Covid...which is true?
You then post something flat out, WHACKO by saying 'no one has died of Covid'.
And offer no links of ANY KIND to back up your theories.
You do realize that making these ridiculous, unfounded statements makes you look 'unbalanced'?
I sincerely think you should keep your WAY OUT ideas to yourself until you have at least SOME links to SOME evidence to back up your claims.
Anyway, your mind is clearly closed on this issue.
So further discussion on it is pointless.
So we are done here.
Good day.