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Is Obama a Muslim?

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Ok, well maybe you posted this because you wanted to find out how many wingnuts here still believe corporate hate lies. That's ok with me but Obama's religion is only an issue with Hannity and the other corporate propagandists. I don't know your politics and really dont care.
Ok, well maybe you posted this because you wanted to find out how many wingnuts here still believe corporate hate lies. That's ok with me but Obama's religion is only an issue with Hannity and the other corporate propagandists. I don't know your politics and really dont care.

Then why did you accuse me of being "dumber than a bag of hammers"?

If I don't care about something, I avoid becoming involved in it. I see you take a different approach.
The propaganda value of 'Obama is a Muslim' has played it's self out. It's been hashed and rehashed and disproved and is plain stupid to bring it up. I'm done with it.
Ok, well maybe you posted this because you wanted to find out how many wingnuts here still believe corporate hate lies. That's ok with me but Obama's religion is only an issue with Hannity and the other corporate propagandists. I don't know your politics and really dont care.

Well what the fuck is wrong with you, can't you see the option of "it doesn't matter" in the poll? Are you too illiterate to see that choice, or too ignorant?

Here's why this is still an issue and a story. Obama has never released the official certificate of live birth, signed by the attending physician, and certified by the hospital which performed the delivery. What has been presented, is a 'certification of birth' which can be very easily obtained fraudulently or forged/manipulated outright. Not claiming that happened here, but it's just not official 'proof' Obama was in fact, born in Hawaii as he claims.

Most of the "birthers" are stuck on this one detail, and it won't go away until they see his official certificate of live birth. Even after that, there will remain a small contingent who continue to believe otherwise, but that shouldn't be an excuse for not producing an official birth certificate. To me, there is an underlying question of WHY this hasn't yet been done? Seems like Team Obama would want to do everything they could, to put this story to rest for good, and end the speculations. So I start running through the possibilities for WHY Obama hasn't produced the birth certificate, and I keep coming up with the same thing, it must be to his advantage not to do so. Then I have to wonder, why is it more to his advantage to have this cloud of doubt and uncertainty, as opposed to clarity and transparency? As much as I would love to dismiss the "birthers" as a bunch of kooks, I can see their point, and it's not kooky at all, it's perfectly legitimate.