While I do not doubt Obama's country of birth, I do believe the issue itself has brought out the need for a standardized method of assuring ANY political candidate is legally qualified for the position they seek. (Actually qualified is too much to hope for these days.)
I also believe that the use of any formal government record which is not considered adequate for any other legal purposes should not be legally acceptable to qualify a person for political office. A certificate of live birth is NOT considered adequate proof of one's status for ID's, drivers licenses, passports, or any other situation which normally requires a birth certificate. The fact that Obama won't allow his original to be viewed only extends a stupid controversy that could very easily be resolved. To avoid this ridiculous nonsense in the future, a standardized process of assuring a candidate's legal qualifications that includes a legal copy of an original birth certificate should be emplaced.
This issue helps Obama by making his opponents look like whacks, that's why he does not release the official document. The bigger an issue this is for the lunutic 30% the worse it reflects on Obama's more Mainstream opponants.