Are You A Capitalist Scumbag?

human caused global warming...are you really this big of a dipshit?

capitalism isn't the blame for our runaway consumption. We have central banks setting market rates and expanding the money supply, allowing Americans to ravage the earth with their consumerism, and you blame capitalism. Our foreign policy is built around keeping oil prices low. None of those things are capitalism. Empire building <> capitalism.

Our foreign policy and our global emprical military adventures are built around the global wealth and natural resources extraction, concentration and redistribution enterprise of our Wall Street/donor/"job creator class, ever since the so called euro "age of discovery" which really exposed how ignorant of the world these "exceptional" people were and still are.
The priorities of a capitalist system are much more fucked. What those priorities are is that for people to make money any way they can. To that end there are basically no rules. Because those with the money make the rules! They will step on anybody's feet that they need to to make money. And if there is anything that the populace doesn't like, they can pay an endless line of human Judas goats to come up with bullshit to pacify the populace. Another thing they will do is come up with ways to keep that money. That is why the top 1% of Americans have 99% of the wealth. Under such a system, there is no getting it right.

And Nazi Germany was better?
And Nazi Germany was better?

FAR better! Though there still were still many capitalistic aspects to their economy. Also, just about 10 years before Hitler came to power, the German people literally needed a wheelbarrow full of money to buy a loaf of bread with. Who knows what it would have taken to get a steak. Though the currency had stabilized by the time Hitler came to power, I doubt if bread was any more plentiful or much cheaper as a percentage of an average working person's salary.
When Hitler came to power, Germany's economy was still in ruins and unemployment was rampant. Hitler changed all that and nearly wiped out unemployment. And most people had productive employment. They didn't work at zillions of places like 7-11, McDonalds or Burger King.
I think it was Calvin Coolidge who once basically said "The business of government IS business." He didn't say "The business of government IS government employees."

My point was that greed is a human trait. It can be seen as much in governmental institutions as private businesses. Government programs , are often designed to give incentive to increasing spending, mission, and bureaucracy.
My point was that greed is a human trait. It can be seen as much in governmental institutions as private businesses. Government programs , are often designed to give incentive to increasing spending, mission, and bureaucracy.

What you say is true. But as a government bureaucrat, your salary is what it is. But in private business, things are far different. There you can make even more money. It just depends on how much you are willing to screw other people over. For example, just last night I saw on 60 minutes something about a medicine that used to sell for $40.00 a vial. Some company bought the company that made it and raised the price of it by 100,000%. Or of you are the right kind of business owner, you can make even more money by sending American manufacturing jobs to places like China. Or if you are a farmer, you can make even more money by hiring illegal wetbacks instead of Americans who would expect better pay. Etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.
That's a thing I do to keep track of scumbags like you. all I have to do is look at my contacts list. which becomes my hunted list. :fart::pke:

:lolup: He really is THAT fucking dense. :rofl2:

What you say is true. But as a government bureaucrat, your salary is what it is. But in private business, things are far different. There you can make even more money. It just depends on how much you are willing to screw other people over. For example, just last night I saw on 60 minutes something about a medicine that used to sell for $40.00 a vial. Some company bought the company that made it and raised the price of it by 100,000%. Or of you are the right kind of business owner, you can make even more money by sending American manufacturing jobs to places like China. Or if you are a farmer, you can make even more money by hiring illegal wetbacks instead of Americans who would expect better pay. Etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

I saw that 60 Minute segment. But government bureaucrats also have an incentive to earn more money. Increase the size of your program and you need more employees and the more you supervise the higher your salary. Often administrators are evaluated largely on growing their programs. Other employees who are not supervisors also benefit from that growth because more money is available by that agency/office to give raises and merit pay.

Unfortunately, it does not necessarily matter whether that increased growth really serves a useful purpose, growth is the main goal.

If a business is getting too much profit we can choose not to purchase their products or services. We don't have that option with government.
I saw that 60 Minute segment. But government bureaucrats also have an incentive to earn more money. Increase the size of your program and you need more employees and the more you supervise the higher your salary. Often administrators are evaluated largely on growing their programs. Other employees who are not supervisors also benefit from that growth because more money is available by that agency/office to give raises and merit pay.

Unfortunately, it does not necessarily matter whether that increased growth really serves a useful purpose, growth is the main goal.

If a business is getting too much profit we can choose not to purchase their products or services. We don't have that option with government.

Despite that 60 minutes segment on drug costs, I don't see much merit in what you say about government employees making more money. And some government bureaucrats could also lose their jobs. Due to budget cuts to their programs. The main money to be made is by the administrators. By sort of a trickle down thing from the bribes paid to the politicians who appointed them. Also, those appointees are themselves often in a revolving door relationship with business. Most likely they used to work for the companies they are supposed to regulate. And after doing their bidding, when they leave their appointed office, they are no doubt rewarded when they go back to work for whatever company.
As for the usefulness of some government employees, or bureaucrats in general, what you say is true. In most cases, they are unnecessary. And in the case of the company that was supposed to keep down drug costs, they are harmful. Another example is the insurance industry. It would make me happy to see all those worthless parasites shot.
Next, as with the drug company that was mentioned on 60 minutes, we don't have a choice. Many companies try to gain a monopoly. I was also telling somebody how I have no choice when it comes to cable TV and what programs I am expected to pay for. If cable companies are paid to carry those channels, they actually should be paying me to have it.
But if it isn't cable TV screwing me, it is those who provide the channels to cable TV. Because it could be that cable TV doesn't have the ability to pick and choose which channels they want. But are sold packages. Which means to get the channel they want, they have to take other channels that they may not necessarily want. Having the shit roll down hill to the consumer.
Next, as with the drug company that was mentioned on 60 minutes, we don't have a choice.

But there are solutions. They gave the example of one insurance company which refused to pay the high cost and found another company to manufacture the drug.

Many companies try to gain a monopoly. I was also telling somebody how I have no choice when it comes to cable TV and what programs I am expected to pay for. If cable companies are paid to carry those channels, they actually should be paying me to have it.
But if it isn't cable TV screwing me, it is those who provide the channels to cable TV. Because it could be that cable TV doesn't have the ability to pick and choose which channels they want. But are sold packages. Which means to get the channel they want, they have to take other channels that they may not necessarily want. Having the shit roll down hill to the consumer.

Do some research. 22 million left cable and satellite last year and chose streaming services like Sling, DirectTVNow (no satellite needed), Roku, or other service.
But there are solutions. They gave the example of one insurance company which refused to pay the high cost and found another company to manufacture the drug.

Do some research. 22 million left cable and satellite last year and chose streaming services like Sling, DirectTVNow (no satellite needed), Roku, or other service.

I do remember them speaking about some sort of company that somehow had the ability to force a drug manufacturer to lower their price by telling them that they would find another company to make the drug. But I don't think they were an insurance company. They were some sort of company who was supposedly in the business of lowering drug costs.
Though from what I remember, for the drug in question, they didn't do that. And the only reason the company that made the drug got into trouble was because they bought the rights to a different drug that could be used and removed it from being sold. Something should have been said when they raised the price by 100,000%. They shouldn't have even been allowed to raise the price by 50%. Also, the drug was first made way back in 1952. To sell it even at $40.00 a vial was obscene.
Also, you have to admit that there are instances where consumers don't have that much choice. Such as finding products to buy in Wal Mart that aren't made in China. As for the cable TV thing, I have been meaning to getting around into checking out other options again. But sometimes I think I am psychic. Because something tells me that no matter what option I find, I will still find that I am being held over a barrel. Under our capitalist system, it is just the most likely outcome.
I do remember them speaking about some sort of company that somehow had the ability to force a drug manufacturer to lower their price by telling them that they would find another company to make the drug. But I don't think they were an insurance company. They were some sort of company who was supposedly in the business of lowering drug costs.
Though from what I remember, for the drug in question, they didn't do that. And the only reason the company that made the drug got into trouble was because they bought the rights to a different drug that could be used and removed it from being sold. Something should have been said when they raised the price by 100,000%. They shouldn't have even been allowed to raise the price by 50%. Also, the drug was first made way back in 1952. To sell it even at $40.00 a vial was obscene.
Also, you have to admit that there are instances where consumers don't have that much choice. Such as finding products to buy in Wal Mart that aren't made in China. As for the cable TV thing, I have been meaning to getting around into checking out other options again. But sometimes I think I am psychic. Because something tells me that no matter what option I find, I will still find that I am being held over a barrel. Under our capitalist system, it is just the most likely outcome.

True, but what other system would be different? Under socialism you get whatever cable choice the government provides.