Are you a Christian 'White" Nationalist?

Most Orthodox icons I've seen depict an olive skinned Jesus with dark hair and beard.
No one knows what Jesus looked like. Icons are just artistic impressions not facts. In my OPINION he was probably typically Jewish in appearance and definitely not fair skinned. Again I think God wants people to be drawn to him for what he said not how he looked.
No one knows what Jesus looked like. Icons are just artistic impressions not facts. In my OPINION he was probably typically Jewish in appearance and definitely not fair skinned. Again I think God wants people to be drawn to him for what he said not how he looked.

How Jesus looked seems to matter to people. The American Protestant tradition is to depict a fair haired and fair skinned Jesus. The Eastern Orthodox and Coptic churches tend to show a swarthy olive skinned looking Jesus. The Ethiopian Orthodox church tends to show an dark African- looking Jesus.

I think there are a lot of white American christians who would be upset at Jesus being depicted as black.
No one is upset if there's a black Jesus...or a black Santa...:)
To even think that's the case is just silly....
How Jesus looked seems to matter to people. The American Protestant tradition is to depict a fair haired and fair skinned Jesus. The Eastern Orthodox and Coptic churches tend to show a swarthy olive skinned looking Jesus. The Ethiopian Orthodox church tends to show an dark African- looking Jesus.

I think there are a lot of white American christians who would be upset at Jesus being depicted as black.

No, you should not think. What makes you so knowledgeable when it comes to what white Christians would be upset about?
I would say it was founded, in part, on Christian values. Not on Muslim, or Shinto, or Zoroasterist values. That doesn't make the US a "Christian" nation however. It certainly helped the US to have those values compared to all of Central and South America that inherited much of their value system from the Catholic Church and practiced a state religion.

That Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement more perfect union of Christiananality pedophilia "serve the Pope or die" Klues Klucks duh Klans with Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom Islam "death to the infidels" where 2 wrongs make a rite to continue genocide in that "one nation under God with equal justice under law" Christian Nation SCOTUS Fourth Reich July 9/11 national religion of thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights - old glories - old testaments - absentee voting ballots arsonists tradition.....
That Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement more perfect union of Christiananality pedophilia "serve the Pope or die" Klues Klucks duh Klans with Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom Islam "death to the infidels" where 2 wrongs make a rite to continue genocide in that "one nation under God with equal justice under law" Christian Nation SCOTUS Fourth Reich July 9/11 national religion of thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights - old glories - old testaments - absentee voting ballots arsonists tradition.....

Take a course in punctuation.
No one knows what Jesus looked like. Icons are just artistic impressions not facts. In my OPINION he was probably typically Jewish in appearance and definitely not fair skinned. Again I think God wants people to be drawn to him for what he said not how he looked.

And if god is real

He wants you to stop hating his darker children like you are some evil hell hound
God is very know that...and no one is hating the "darker children"... it's your imagination...which is quite "colorful", btw.
God is very know that...and no one is hating the "darker children"... it's your imagination...which is quite "colorful", btw.

You assholes do it every day here evil one

And no I don’t believe in any Gods
God is very know that...and no one is hating the "darker children"... it's your imagination...which is quite "colorful", btw.

You believe god is real and hates anyone you decide to hate

Your imagined world of existence is soaked in the hate of others
Again...the wild imagination...from one of the most hateful people on this forum..
God is very real...I know you believe in the Rainbow Bridge....

You are a horrible destructive influence on anyone you speak to

You are not happy unless you believe you are hurting someone else

It’s what you live for

You are evil walking

Jesus would not have spared the whip on you