APP - 'Are You Better Off....'


Or worse off - a Fox survey has over 80% claiming they are worse off? Personally, I cannot blame any president for how I feel each four years. Are Fox viewers eighty percent worse off, and if so, why? Whose fault is that?

Are you worse off because Obama was elected and he didn't help you out, are you too lazy for work and require the government to make things better for you? Are you worse off because the Bush tax cuts were left in place?

Or are you entitled to the government helping make it better for you, all the while whining that the particular government in power hasn't made it better for you?

Why does this question contradict the intent of the question? I thought the conservatives / republicans / libertarians did it all on their own, from nothing, did I miss a qualification or footnote?

If you are better off, should you thank Obama? Should you thank Government? Should you thank luck? Should you thank your dead relative who left you lots? Should you thank youself?

"It is breathtaking impudence that Republicans should try to campaign on whether we are better off than were were in the last six months of the Bush administration. I can’t believe we are even arguing about this. Seriously? The country had fallen off a cliff in the last years of Bush, or rather had been pushed off one by GOP policies."

'Top Ten Ways we are Better off than in January 2009'

1. In January 2009 we lost 600,000 jobs. In 2008 over-all, we lost 2.6 million jobs, the most in 6 decades! We’re now adding over 100,000 jobs a month."

'The Contemporary Condition: The Real Entitlement Crisis'

"Perhaps if a Democrat explained how all Americans have actually benefited from the standards (I do not say achievement) of racial and gender equity as these have been articulated since the 1950s, the Republican Party wouldn’t have such a lock on the votes of white males. Perhaps if a Democrat could honestly say to working-class women that they don’t need to depend on their families for child care—especially men with incomes, but also relatives with time to watch the kids—the Republican Party would finally become the exclusively white, all-male country club it wants to be." Revisiting False Consciousness | Politics and Letters
I am worse off because the President has assumed the right to kill me or you anytime he likes. That power will eventually fall to a Republican and no Democrat will again be able to seriously challenge this power without throwing Obama under the bus.

I am worse off because the President has assumed the power to engage in acts of war without so much as consulting congress. That power will eventually fall to a Republican and no Democrat will again be able to seriously challenge this power without throwing Obama under the bus.

I am worse off because the Patriot Act, Gitmo and the Bush doctrine of preemptive war are now entrenched. The Bush presidency that Obama claimed he would challenge has now been validated. He is not the change anyone sought but the echo we dreaded.
On some of your other points...

There was no recovery during Bush. Democrats and libertarians told us this over and over. We have been in decline since at least the end of Clinton's presidency. The housing bubble was an illusion and a weak crutch that lead to an incredible amount of malinvestment in both commercial and residential property that will not return. It needs to be fully liquidated. That is not to say Clinton is responsible. The decline is the result of decades of guns and butter economics.

Why anyone thinks it is better to depend on a disinterested, underpaid and overworked government employee that behaves in a way that is hostile and suspicious of mothers rather than a family member that has a genuine concern for the welfare of the child and mother is beyond me. It seems you are trying to invigorate the battle of the sexes.

Tyler Perry for President!
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Four years ago today Bush had NOT yet made his famous "were fucked" speach.

as soon as he did everything fell off a cliff
if you were better off 4 years ago than now its because the full crash had not yet happened.

ITS the history you asshole
This is what the right does.

they try to change the history over and over.

Heres a clue for you on the right.

You better start checking what your party tells you because they lie to you constantly.

You bring their idiot lies into the public realm and spit them as it they are verbotten truths and you will get smacked down every time now.

Us dems used to be nice but too many years of your lies have made us weary and leary of your bullshit.

No more mr nice guys from the left.
You gave no facts. You gave illusions and misremembered history. The economy was going into the dumper. Bush and Company were the last to acknowledge it and at that point the facts were unavoidable. Ron Paul had been warning loudly about it since just after 9/11, more quietly sharing his concerns about Sallie Mae/Freddie Mac and the corporate/government cartels since the 90's or earlier. The Dems finally got on board by 2005-2006 after spinning round and round for something that would stick. You complained the entire time Bush was in office, but had no real clue.

Are you to blame for the failed economy? Now it is the "Repubicans"/libertarians you guys blame because they refuse to sing in your choir of praises and join in the hysteria.

You guys have no memory.
I gave you tape of your own asshole saying what he said and then facts on the jobs numbers.

see this is what you idiots do.

You just out right deny any FACTS you dont like.

There are facts and you just saying "na uh" those are not facts doesnt make them not facts.

Your a fucking idiot for saying they are not facts.
This is what the right does.

they try to change the history over and over.

Heres a clue for you on the right.

You better start checking what your party tells you because they lie to you constantly.

You bring their idiot lies into the public realm and spit them as it they are verbotten truths and you will get smacked down every time now.

Us dems used to be nice but too many years of your lies have made us weary and leary of your bullshit.

No more mr nice guys from the left.

No, that is what you do. It does not seem intentional. I think, you are just senile/deluded. I lived through it, was fully aware and clearly remember your bitter complaints about the economy during Bush.

I have a near photographic memory and only miss what I don't care to look closely at...
I gave you tape of your own asshole saying what he said and then facts on the jobs numbers.

see this is what you idiots do.

You just out right deny any FACTS you dont like.

There are facts and you just saying "na uh" those are not facts doesnt make them not facts.

Your a fucking idiot for saying they are not facts.

Bush was never my asshole. My asshole is Ron Paul, Clint Eastwood, Russ Feingold and other moderate/moderating libertarians of the left and right.

Hi Desh! Remember me. You were always impossible to miss. That's not completely a bad thing.
funny you are defending Bush and his record but dont call him your guy.

how very republican of you
I did not defend Bush's record. I countered your silly claim that his acknowledgement of reality was the cause of the reality. It is the same as those who claim Gorbachev/Yeltsin were to blame for Russia's hardships. Who is your asshole, Putin? Chernenko?
Ron paul is a republican and those job facts I gave you are facts even if they make it harder for you to defend Bush