APP - 'Are You Better Off....'

The fact are that the day he annouced how fucked we were things got HUGELY worse.

It scared the hell out of the country and people stopped on a dime any spending
You gave no facts. You gave illusions and misremembered history. The economy was going into the dumper. Bush and Company were the last to acknowledge it and at that point the facts were unavoidable. Ron Paul had been warning loudly about it since just after 9/11, more quietly sharing his concerns about Sallie Mae/Freddie Mac and the corporate/government cartels since the 90's or earlier. The Dems finally got on board by 2005-2006 after spinning round and round for something that would stick. You complained the entire time Bush was in office, but had no real clue.

Are you to blame for the failed economy? Now it is the "Repubicans"/libertarians you guys blame because they refuse to sing in your choir of praises and join in the hysteria.

You guys have no memory.

you lied
The fact are that the day he annouced how fucked we were things got HUGELY worse.

It scared the hell out of the country and people stopped on a dime any spending

Then maybe he did some good but I would rather not give him any credit.

We are in better shape now because the middle class has been handling it's business, cutting it's losses and paying down it's debt. If the government had been doing the same we would be WAY better off.
so your dont have the guts to admitt you lied about me not giving facts?

what the hell is with people on the right and their inabilty to EVER admitt wrong doing?

It taints your side soooo badly.
Bush screwed the annoucment up fella.

For one thing he allowed the problem to jsut fester for years because it was the only thing proping up the economy.

He fucked us so he could have good numbers for awhile.

He placed our entire country in danger so he could personally benifit.

Then he made that annoucement which made things way worse.

A little bit of thought behind that annoucement could have made its impact less damaging.
I agree fully about his letting it fester. I don't agree that his announcement, though he always sucked at that, was all that influential. You cannot truly talk up or talk down an economy. Our perception of reality does not change reality. That is voodoo economics.
This is the diease that is killing the right.

They are rotting themselves from the inside out.

They refuse to EVER admitt any wrong doing.

It will be the death of their every attempt at power.

When you refuse to EVER admitt you are wrong no matter how deep the facts are that prove you are were wrong then you have an insane mind set.

Insane people dont make good leaders and make very bad decisions
One could also claim that Obama's agitating of the right is too blame for the economy.

There is much truth to the fact that the indecisiveness is not good. All extreme forces, new and old, must wear some of that blame.

I Hung My Head - Johnny Cash
blather blater blather.

your just going to keep pretending you did not lie about me and then expect me to enguage you with any discussion?

dude you are worthless to an adult discussion unless you can act like an adult.
You gave no facts. You gave illusions and misremembered history. The economy was going into the dumper. Bush and Company were the last to acknowledge it and at that point the facts were unavoidable. Ron Paul had been warning loudly about it since just after 9/11, more quietly sharing his concerns about Sallie Mae/Freddie Mac and the corporate/government cartels since the 90's or earlier. The Dems finally got on board by 2005-2006 after spinning round and round for something that would stick. You complained the entire time Bush was in office, but had no real clue.

Are you to blame for the failed economy? Now it is the "Repubicans"/libertarians you guys blame because they refuse to sing in your choir of praises and join in the hysteria.

You guys have no memory.

Facts are wasted on you as you just refuse them on a whim.

That makes you worthless in any adult discussion
This is the diease that is killing the right.

They are rotting themselves from the inside out.

They refuse to EVER admitt any wrong doing.

It will be the death of their every attempt at power.

When you refuse to EVER admitt you are wrong no matter how deep the facts are that prove you are were wrong then you have an insane mind set.

Insane people dont make good leaders and make very bad decisions

Santorum is disgusting! Maybe, that is what REALLY got on Monica's dress. :)

Are you sure you are not failing to hear that SOME have made admissions?
I cannot comprehend the appeal of Gary Johnson, Soupy Sales would make a better candidate.

"The economy is slowly recovering from the 2008 meltdown, and the country could suffer another recession if the wrong policies take hold. The United States is embroiled in unstable regions that could easily explode into full-blown disaster. An ideological assault from the right has started to undermine the vital health reform law passed in 2010. Those forces are eroding women’s access to health care, and their right to control their lives. Nearly 50 years after passage of the Civil Rights Act, all Americans’ rights are cheapened by the right wing’s determination to deny marriage benefits to a selected group of us. Astonishingly, even the very right to vote is being challenged."

Issues: The Economy, Foreign Affairs, Civil Rights, The Supreme Court.

"For these and many other reasons, we enthusiastically endorse President Barack Obama for a second term, and express the hope that his victory will be accompanied by a new Congress willing to work for policies that Americans need."