Nearly two-thirds of Democrats (66%) rate CNN as trustworthy, compared to 11% of Republicans, a 55-point difference
The right answer is 0%.
We are sooooo fucked.
Nearly two-thirds of Democrats (66%) rate CNN as trustworthy, compared to 11% of Republicans, a 55-point difference
Real men educate their women not to vote Democrat.
I think it's in their blood. Her mother and 3 sisters are Democrats, all married to Republicansand we can't change them. But each one of them are good women. Worth keeping.
Looks to me like some shallow relations occurring here...
Are you all there?????????
Looks to me like some shallow relations occurring here...I think it's in their blood. Her mother and 3 sisters are Democrats, all married to Republicansand we can't change them. But each one of them are good women. Worth keeping.
Proving, once again, why I think you are headed for a divorce.
Most women are Democrats since most women lean toward nurturing and a mature view of the world around them. As such, women have a higher voter turnout than men.
Shut the fuck up, coward. Your oblivious input is not rational....and we aren't married.
Wasn't talking to you, dumbass, but it's interesting that you thought it did.
Regardless of marital status, women still tend to vote Democrat no matter how many times you beat them or intimidate them.
Then why did you quote me, coward?
Did you beat or intimidate your woman (if you've ever had one) that you've come to this conclusion?
Hey, be respectable!
He's a U.S. Marine/ retired Naval Aviator/instructor/helicopter and airline pilot!
Oh, did I mention a bedridden lying coward?
Proving, once again, why I think you are headed for a divorce.
Most women are Democrats since most women lean toward nurturing and a mature view of the world around them. As such, women have a higher voter turnout than men.
simp cuck pedestalizer is a simp cuck pedestalizer.
women just use idiots like you, idiot.
Fredo, you summed up your entire life in that one post. Sad, isn't it?
Ummm, you said these pedestalizing things.
i guess projection really is at all time high for totalitarian fucksticks.
Feel free to quote me, Fredo, or you can stick to your idiocy of pedestals.
Feel free to quote me, Fredo, or you can stick to your idiocy of pedestals.
you said women are more mature and feeling or whatever the fuck simp thing you said.
stop projecting.
dutch wishes he could be a virtue signalling gold digger.
just come out and say you identify as a woman, dutch.
i already did.
Translation: I have no fucking clue what you said but I still hate you!!!!!
No shit, Fredo. Wassamatter? What's going on with you? Bad hangover? Need a fix? Cable out again? Did you run out of Jergen's and payday isn't until next week?
Are you scared of going to prison because you gave money to STY's militia?
To put Dark Soul's comment in context. I understand why you don't understand that point, but, again, it wasn't for you.
I love women and women love me. It's people like you who clearly bully others. Your comments about women, to me and anyone else you don't like are always laced with cry-bully tears just like the quote above and the one below. Dude, you define yourself with such behavior.
When you lie, you become a liar. It's that simple. The fact you fabricate an imaginary fight and then claim I was a no show points to you being either a chronic liar or delusional to the point of mental illness.