Are you Right-brained or Left-brained?

Clockwise at first , tried and could not see counter CW, looked away and then back and saw counter CW. Now I can see both.

I already realised I was right brained though.
In common with some others my first view was counter-clockwise which accords my my known right-hemisphere dominance. But on second glance she was going clockwise. I know I'm not left-hemisphere dominant ("numbers, I don't need no steenking numbers!") so I think the first look is the one that counts.

Very interesting though.
I see Ron Paul.

What does this mean?

It means you are beyond help.

Cheer up though it could be worse. You could be seeing Bil O'Reilly and telephones and loofas. If it's the latter I have some bad news and some good news.

The bad news is you're fucking crazy.

The good news is get in now, you could probably knock off Giuliani for the nomination.
Very cool. I saw clockwise, then it would change to counter-clockwise on occasion. It took a while before I saw it change direction though.
Very cool. I saw clockwise, then it would change to counter-clockwise on occasion. It took a while before I saw it change direction though.

Me too. I can see it spin both directions, but my first and predominant view of it was counter clockwise
Me too. I can see it spin both directions, but my first and predominant view of it was counter clockwise
It says that most would be counter-clockwise. I thought I would be, because I am such an "engineer". I guess the writer/artist in me overwhelms even that....
I could only see it counter clockwise for the longest time. Everyone in my office saw it clockwise at first.
If clockwise, then you use more of the right side of the brain and vice versa.

Most of us would see the dancer turning anti-clockwise though you can try to focus and change the direction; see if you can do it.

everyone seems to be mixing it up.
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