Are you Right-brained or Left-brained?

As soon as I first opened it, it was clearly clockwise. But only for less than 2 seconds. Then it was counter clockwise , and no matter what I do or how many times I open it or how long I look at it, I can't see it as anything other than counter clockwise, and I am starting to question whether I ever saw it as clockwise, and it's driving me crazy, so I'm not reading this thread anymore.
First vision - Counterclockwise.

Blink, tell self that it's clockwise, open eyes and it is. Blink, tell, and it is - at will.
As soon as I first opened it, it was clearly clockwise. But only for less than 2 seconds. Then it was counter clockwise , and no matter what I do or how many times I open it or how long I look at it, I can't see it as anything other than counter clockwise, and I am starting to question whether I ever saw it as clockwise, and it's driving me crazy, so I'm not reading this thread anymore.

I have to work at it to see it clockwise now. If I don't try its counter.
It just means that in spite of those fancy engineering degrees (or whatever) that you have, you have an artistic and creative mind ;)

I thought it meant I wasn't creative or artistic.

not that that's news to me or anything.
I thought it meant I wasn't creative or artistic.

not that that's news to me or anything.
Yes, couter-clockwise puts you in left-brain mode. It was where I thought I would be.

Maybe it is because I have returned to writing after a long hiatus.
I just see...........

Jolene Blalock...'Enterprise' series...could care less which way it spins...just a guy here...nolo-contender!:cof1:
It does not really "spin" for me just a series of images....
I guess I must be using the "lizard" part of my brain.
I can make her bounce back and forth, denying her the opportunity to complete a rotation. When I first looked, it was clockwise.