Are You Smart or Stoopid?

Imagine how stupid the average person is, then picture the fact that 50% of the people are stupider than he/she is...
I know Im only slightly above average. IQ of arround 130 in tests Ive taken. Much of Americas problem with IQ is that we have a country which no longer values education.
We used to have the best and now we are have other priorities such as tax cuts above all else.

Stupid is as stupid does.
I know Im only slightly above average. IQ of arround 130 in tests Ive taken. Much of Americas problem with IQ is that we have a country which no longer values education.
We used to have the best and now we are have other priorities such as tax cuts above all else.

Stupid is as stupid does.

I'm sure you are well aware how much the Bush Administration increased federal funding on education with NCLB?

There are many things wrong with education but trying to argue tax cuts are the issue, with all due respect, makes you look clueless on this issue.

NCLB was not an improvement in education. It is the same old bullshit Rs do to public works. Designed to fuck them up and make room for private school vouchers and the like.

Ok, if its the same thing R's do then why was NCLB written by Democrats Ted Kennedy and George Miller?

Come on Desh, you are smarter than this. One doesn't have to like NCLB, I sure don't. But you reflexively don't like it because you think its a Republican program when in fact it is truly a bi-partisan program as it was written by Kennedy and MIller.
Ok, if its the same thing R's do then why was NCLB written by Democrats Ted Kennedy and George Miller?

Come on Desh, you are smarter than this. One doesn't have to like NCLB, I sure don't. But you reflexively don't like it because you think its a Republican program when in fact it is truly a bi-partisan program as it was written by Kennedy and MIller.

Speaking as a teacher, the idea behind NCLB was not bad. What was bad was how they set the requirements. I wonder if the general public realizes that a significant portion of special ed kids are 4 grades or more below grade level. There are many that are barely above a vegetative state. Then there are schools where there are over 30 languages that are the students 1st language, many of which do not speak English at all? NCLB requires all these students to complete and submit standardized tests. Oh, accomodations can be made, which may work for a child with mild cerebral palsy, dyslexia, other psychoneuro problems, but not for those that are unable to hold a pencil, respond to oral prompts, etc.

Which neighborhoods are likely to have more of the above problems? Which schools?

Then there are 'high quality schools', with perhaps a .05 poverty rate. Of those small number, they are measured separately, thus if the 1 or 2 kids don't perform at a passing level, the school can end up on a 'warning list.'

It's not the tests, it's not the kids, it's not the teachers, it's the law that is problematic.
bush touted it as a political ploy, but dragged his feet on pushing for the funding.

Bingo. Its a classic catch 22. And it was intentional, on the part of Bush, IMO. Set standards that schools have to meet, and then don't provide them the proper funding to try to achieve those goals. A classic way of guaranteeing failure.

Then, point your finger at the public schools, claim they aren't working, and try to privatize them.
Biased Test

I only scored a Seven (rank = “complete moron”).

But anyway, it was a liberal test, biased towards secular progressives.

Questions about mathematics, history, and language? C’mon people -- where were the questions about partial birth abortion, the Old Testament, and men’s fashions (fabulous!)?

God Bless and Happy New Year,

bush touted it as a political ploy, but dragged his feet on pushing for the funding.

you don't like the measure why are you upset about supposive funding shortages?

and considering it has now been seven years I don't see any privatized schools coming as a result.
Speaking as a teacher, the idea behind NCLB was not bad. What was bad was how they set the requirements. I wonder if the general public realizes that a significant portion of special ed kids are 4 grades or more below grade level. There are many that are barely above a vegetative state. Then there are schools where there are over 30 languages that are the students 1st language, many of which do not speak English at all? NCLB requires all these students to complete and submit standardized tests. Oh, accomodations can be made, which may work for a child with mild cerebral palsy, dyslexia, other psychoneuro problems, but not for those that are unable to hold a pencil, respond to oral prompts, etc.

Which neighborhoods are likely to have more of the above problems? Which schools?

Then there are 'high quality schools', with perhaps a .05 poverty rate. Of those small number, they are measured separately, thus if the 1 or 2 kids don't perform at a passing level, the school can end up on a 'warning list.'

It's not the tests, it's not the kids, it's not the teachers, it's the law that is problematic.

My sister is also a teacher (she is also a republican). She has developed a teaching system in which she recognised a previously unrecognised pattern in the english language. In using her new system (which she has to pretend to be teaching them the old way because of restrictions) she has seen these what you call vegative kids raise 3 grade levels in one year. Her principle knows what she is doing but also helps her hide her methods because of the obvious sucess of it. You seem to have given up on them and she has not. She realised they thought differently and need to be taught differently. Instead of blaming the kids she found a path to them.
I only scored a Seven (rank = “complete moron”).

But anyway, it was a liberal test, biased towards secular progressives.

Questions about mathematics, history, and language? C’mon people -- where were the questions about partial birth abortion, the Old Testament, and men’s fashions (fabulous!)?

God Bless and Happy New Year,


Hey Haggard, I have dry nuts. How about a Happy New Year's lick?