Are You Smart or Stoopid?

21 damn it.

This one is too dependent on knowing things instead of raw intelligence.

Point taken.

This intelligence test could have been simplified by asking one simple question: Did you vote for Bush? Yes or No?
Intelligence test:

(takes about two minutes)

My results:

-Average score for this test: 17.1
-My score: 26
-Verdict: Smart

-"I am 51.8% smarter than average"


They ask questions like "Which song was by which rapper"? And "The Evolution is a car by which maker?"

That pretty much makes the test a joke. But the thing that really kills me is the time limit, because I'm ADD.

I made a 26.
Point taken.

This intelligence test could have been simplified by asking one simple question: Did you vote for Bush? Yes or No?

If intelligence is based on who you vote for then why do some groups oppose poll questions for the right to vote?
If intelligence is based on who you vote for then why do some groups oppose poll questions for the right to vote?
I'm sure another would be a nice religious test. Like asking how old the earth is or something. We can make all sorts to weed out those who Cypress thinks is undesirable. Then we can bring in the thought police. Have the kids start turning in all parents who don't use Newspeak.

This is just them realizing that they lost twice to somebody who they think is both a total moron and the mastermind behind 9/11 at the same time.
If intelligence is based on who you vote for then why do some groups oppose poll questions for the right to vote?

calm down cawacko.

That post was tongue in cheek. I don't think you're stupid. I think you were foolish to vote for bush, but you are a smart guy.

Except when you get drunk, and hit on me and AC :clink:
calm down cawacko.

That post was tongue in cheek. I don't think you're stupid. I think you were foolish to vote for bush, but you are a smart guy.

Except when you get drunk, and hit on me and AC :clink:

alright, i probably did have a little man crush on AC that night. Then I found out AC posts drunk as well! The proverbial birds of a feather...