Are you swayed by scare tactics?

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Yes, it is his fault. If he chooses to let others think for him, that is still his fault. If he chooses to repeat and pass on deliberate lies, that, too, is his fault. Repeating party talking points is no excuse for being a mindless lying drone.

Now, you're just being mean.

America is finally dealing with the most important social issue of our time.

Why do rightwingnutjobs lie about health care reform?

1. They are getting massive payoffs from the health care monopoly to mitigate the effects of reform on profits.

2. They know their defeats in 2000 and 2004 are just the beginning of a long dark exile. Just look at history. The Republicans screwed up America's economy in 1929, just like they did in 2008. By favoring corporations and the rich, they put our nation's survival in jeopardy. After FDR took over from Herbert Hoover, who was almost as bad as Bush, FDR´s administration got America back to work and got Social Security passed over the strenuous objections of the GOP. FDR was then reelected to four consecutive terms.
When President Obama is successful in bringing all of America a public health care plan, their party will be out of power well beyond the first two Obama Administrations.
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Are you swayed by scare tactics?


The most terrifying day of my life was when our president, George Walker Bush, said we would have nuclear mushroom clouds over Des Moines, Iowa if we didn't invade Iraq. Right then and there, I knew we had to trust our president and go after the evil doers in Iraq.
Are we a nation that accepts 47 million uninsured men, women and children?

The GOP says we are.

Are we are a nation that lets families go without coverage, or turns it's back on those in need?

The GOP says we are.

What makes us the United States of America?

The GOP says it's profits.
I tell you what...

You want to "reform health care" and you want me on board? There is only one thing you need do to convince me this plan is the right way to go. There is only one thing you need to do to convince me that rushing this bill through the system unread is the right way to do it.

Here it is... are you ready?

Tell me that every Representative and their staff, every Senator and their staff, the President and Vice-President and their respective staff and family, will all be signing up just like the rest of America. Tell me that they will be giving up the plan they have right now in favor of this new Obama-care that no one has read, much less understands, then we're in business.

Oh, and it has to be true.
you can forget that happening Norman, they are the lords of us little people, and they NEED the better health care Plans so they can look out for us..

The most terrifying day of my life was when our president, George Walker Bush, said we would have nuclear mushroom clouds over Des Moines, Iowa if we didn't invade Iraq. Right then and there, I knew we had to trust our president and go after the evil doers in Iraq.

Funny, because he never said that.
All Americans deserve health care as good as Congress gets.

President Obama wants reform to offer coverage at least as good as the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, the basic health care plan offered to all federal workers, including elected ones.
Are we a nation that accepts 47 million uninsured men, women and children?

The GOP says we are.

Are we are a nation that lets families go without coverage, or turns it's back on those in need?

The GOP says we are.

What makes us the United States of America?

The GOP says it's profits.
eight million uninsured and about 6 million of them illegal.
Funny, because he never said that.

But he did say we might have to face a mushroom cloud over the U.S. in his October 7, 2002 speech, excerpt below:

"There is a reason. We have experienced the horror of September 11. We have seen that those who hate America are willing to crash airplanes into buildings full of innocent people. Our enemies would be no less willing -- in fact they would be eager -- to use a biological, or chemical, or a nuclear weapon.

Knowing these realities, America must not ignore the threat gathering against us. Facing clear evidence of peril, we cannot wait for the final proof -- the smoking gun -- that could come in the form of a mushroom cloud."
not according to the Democrats in Congress....they rejected an amendment putting themselves on the same plan they pass......

President Obama wants reform to offer coverage at least as good as the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, the basic health care plan offered to all federal workers, including elected ones.

What part of that fact is causing your confusion?
President Obama wants reform to offer coverage at least as good as the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, the basic health care plan offered to all federal workers, including elected ones.

What part of that fact is causing your confusion?

maybe the part where reality conflicts with your posts?.....
I tell you what...

You want to "reform health care" and you want me on board? There is only one thing you need do to convince me this plan is the right way to go. There is only one thing you need to do to convince me that rushing this bill through the system unread is the right way to do it.

Here it is... are you ready?

Tell me that every Representative and their staff, every Senator and their staff, the President and Vice-President and their respective staff and family, will all be signing up just like the rest of America. Tell me that they will be giving up the plan they have right now in favor of this new Obama-care that no one has read, much less understands, then we're in business.

Oh, and it has to be true.

Absolutely. All political federal employees should be on the plan as well as their retirement funds be merged with the SS funds.

Gave rep points for this post.