Arguing That Black is White

Ok I'll give it a go.

1. Words are just symbolic thought. One can easily interchange the words because words and language are not fixed.

2. A non light admitting object that appears white is actually black because it is reflecting the full spectrum of visible light.
Well if you view in infrared, black can be white. And white can be black. since Black absorbs heat from light better and white reflects it. It is all in the way you view things.
Thats a good one didn't think of that. That would apply to any spectrum as well. A creature that viewed objects in ultraviolet would see a white object as black if it was not reflecting UV light.
I believe it is only a matter of perception anyway. The brain of one person could translate that set "color" to a totally different picture in their head than that in yours. In fact, it may be opposite to what you "see" thus making, if you swapped perception, "black" into "white".
Can anyone actually come up with a valid argument that black is white?

Just for shits and giggles.....
Is anything "ANYTHING?

Check this out.

in pigmentation Paint, etc. You mix colors to get darker colors, and in this way Black would be considered a combination of all colors (actually it comes out a sort of brown)


If you shine colored spotlights on the same spot on a wall (one blue, one red, and one yellow, ) the spot will be white. Strange but true. because white is considered to be a combination of all colors.

So what is "WHAT"???
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Is white even a color ?
Even though it is all colors of the visible light spectrum ?
Is black a color even though it is the absence of light and color ?
Or is it all a matter of reflections ?
Is white even a color ?
Even though it is all colors of the visible light spectrum ?
Is black a color even though it is the absence of light and color ?
Or is it all a matter of reflections ?
Color itself is a translation of such reflection by the mind. To say that one is not a color because less or more light is reflected is ridiculous. It is like saying that taste doesn't exist because all it is made up of is a translation of sensation sent by nerves to the brain.
Damo the difference between black and white is all about reflection.
Same for the colors, which part of the spectrum does a particular object reflect or absorb.
Damo the difference between black and white is all about reflection.
Same for the colors, which part of the spectrum does a particular object reflect or absorb.
And the difference in flavor is also perception. Color, is simply the mind's interpretation of that reflection, or lack of reflection, sent along the nerves. To say, "This isn't a 'color' because it reflects less light than this does" is denying the interpretation to begin with. You mind interprets the reflection to give things different colors. How you may perceive it is individual, but the fact that the interpretation is there gives it a color.