Arguing That Black is White

It's amazing the things boys will argue about.

I can't tell the difference between purple and blue, unless it's a pale, sky blue. I don't know what that means. Probably nothing.
A black hole will swallow everything including light which is all colors combined
so in the case of a black hole the white is black.
I can see ultra-violet in a rainbow. It was frustrating when I was a kid and started asking what that color was after violet and everybody else thought I was insane.
And the difference in flavor is also perception. Color, is simply the mind's interpretation of that reflection, or lack of reflection, sent along the nerves. To say, "This isn't a 'color' because it reflects less light than this does" is denying the interpretation to begin with. You mind interprets the reflection to give things different colors. How you may perceive it is individual, but the fact that the interpretation is there gives it a color.

so in other words my blue could be your green ?