Arifa Bibi Stoned To Death In Pakistan For Possessing A Cell Phone

Aox how mad were you when Bush dropped white phosphorous on falughia?

its burns holes right through human beings including babies and then causes birth defects for YEARS to come on the survivors?

why do you not care about that?
watching you idiots try to discuss international affairs shows why your party fails at everything
Paki has nukies.

pretending we can disengauge from them is utter stupidity
partnering (strategic alliance) with them to secure Afg. is different from working with the military (ISI) to secure their nukes.

It is not so easy to overthrow their gov't as it is bascially junta rule
gas is far more harmful than stones.

why does he care about stones but not gas?

and YES gas is worse.

If the stoning was as bad a gas then they would have to stone her children for her crime and then stone any pregnant woman near her and stone their babies if they manage to be born alive.

YES more than one death is worse than one death.

pretending it is not is silly

It is in no way worse, you are allowing a culture that devalues women to tell you it's worse. If understanding exactly what these terror attacks do to women makes me silly, then I gladly embrace the compliment.
Iam pretty sure it is part of Sharia(Islamic) law -but only practiced by fundamentalist.

Iran has recently amended it's law:

The controversial practice, in which stones are thrown at the partially buried offender, has provoked outcries from human rights organizations, international bodies and Western countries urging Iran to abandon it.

An article of Iran's Islamic new penal code, published earlier this week, states that, “if the possibility of carrying out the (stoning) verdict does not exist,” the sentencing judge may order another form of execution pending final approval by the judiciary chief.

The article does not explain what is meant by the possibility of stoning not existing.

In Iran, executions are normally carried out by hanging.

Under Iran's interpretation of Islamic Sharia law in force since its 1979 revolution, adultery is punished by the stoning of convicted adulterers.

Women are buried up to the their shoulders, but men only up to their waists. They are spared if they manage to free themselves before dying.

Murder, rape, armed robbery, drug trafficking are also punishable by death in Iran, which has one of the highest annual execution counts in the world, alongside China, Saudi Arabia and the United States.