Arizona businesses hurt by tough immigration laws

And anyway,

A firm benenfits an economy a lot more than how it pays to the government, and these firms do pay taxes, you morons.

What company would honestly want to be located in America whenever it can move 10 miles, have workers, pay lower taxes, and not have to deal with idiotic ugly Americans who think their the gods of the planet?

Oh I'd say when they want to take advantage of the infrastructure that's available in our country because we have an educated, prosperous and productive middle class that demands it. The point being here, you can't have your cake and eat it too.
I really wish that the whole country would adopt the policies of Arizona just so everyone can see just how much undocumented workers contribute to our economy. It might then open peoples eyes to the need of REAL immigration reform and a serious guest worker program. I would love for the US to lose all undocumented labor for about a year. The economic impact would open a lot of eyes.

I agree. but Arizona is the test fpr the rest of the country to watch and other states are definately paying attention to what is happening there.
It is called increasing productivity.

Yea well American workers are still the most productive in the world. Take the loss of jobs in the manufacturing sector. That has more to do with increased productivity than out sourcing. The problem is, since the 1970's those productivity gains have virtually all gone to a handfull at the top of the economic ladder while wages and salaries for working class and skilled class labor has been stagnant for close to 40 years now.

The cries that "We can't get people to work these jobs" is a bull shit argument. Pay a living wage and people will gladly work those jobs.
Yea well American workers are still the most productive in the world. Take the loss of jobs in the manufacturing sector. That has more to do with increased productivity than out sourcing. The problem is, since the 1970's those productivity gains have virtually all gone to a handfull at the top of the economic ladder while wages and salaries for working class and skilled class labor has been stagnant for close to 40 years now.

The cries that "We can't get people to work these jobs" is a bull shit argument. Pay a living wage and people will gladly work those jobs.

Paying less for labor is increasing productivity. Or keeping the wage the same while raising the price of the product.