Armed guards for me but not for thee

Dianne Feinstein said the other day, that in the light of the recent shootings, well thought out gun regulation should be initiated.
She then referenced a proposal she had been working on for a year!

A year!
So either they had been hoping for something like this to happen for a year or they were planning, organizing and initiating this attack for a year, with a view to initiating their gun control agenda!

Diane Feinstein co-authored the original bill. Perhaps she dusted it off after Gabby Giffords was gunned down at the behest of Sarah Palin?

WHo threatened to murder your kids and rape your wife? Can I see this post?

It has disapeared, whilst I was banned.
It is a common threat from liberal fanatics.
The threat has been repeated more than a dozen times in the past 6 months.
Not just here.
Many conservatives have experienced the same kind of threat.
It's a liberal thing.

How horrible! Whomever that terrible person was who used his first amendment rights to free speech should be tarred and burned!

It happens frequently.
The member here who made the threat also accused me of having an incestuous relationship with my mother and with my infant son.
I was banned for my response.
He wasn't banned for his posts.
A couple of them were reported, no action taken.

How horrible! How dare the mods/admins not respond immediately to your complaints of unfair treatment at the hand of those duplicitious democrats!

But it's all good that the very rich people have their kids protected this way?

We undermenschen don't deserve the same protections as the "important" people, instead we should be disarmed so that only they have the protection, forever and ever...

Sheeple like Ken who can't think without a prompt from a talking points memo are a problem, not a solution.

The rich parents of those children are paying the price for the protection of their children.

I suggested earlier that a tax applied to guns and ammo should cover the professional training and arming of our teachers in public schools. Of course, by necessity it would be a high tax...there's 6.6 million teachers out there.

But I'm sure you'd wholeheartedly pay it, right? Just to keep your kids as safe as those rich kids?

btw - That school offers scholarships to underprivileged children who share the same security as the rich kids. How dare they!
Sadly it's all about selling guns. It's about advancing ALEC and Walmart legislation in the states thru paid-for politicians and not about our children's safety.

Damo you are correct. Only the rich get an education. That's the reason for profitizing/privatizing our schools by giving vouchers to the wealthy and underfunding our public school system. Or forcing educators to be armed... but that's another thread, or should be.

Any time and any place any where you libertarian neo-con right wing radical fiscal conservative Republicons can see to make a buck on the back of society you will jump at the chance. Whether it's going to war or making a buck off of dead children you'll do it.
But it's all good that the very rich people have their kids protected this way?

We undermenschen don't deserve the same protections as the "important" people, instead we should be disarmed so that only they have the protection, forever and ever...

Sheeple like Ken who can't think without a prompt from a talking points memo are a problem, not a solution.

Sheeple like Ken? I don't think you can call any Vietnam vet a Sheeple and be correct.
Sheeple like Ken? I don't think you can call any Vietnam vet a Sheeple and be correct.

I don't think that being a vet makes anybody less likely to become sheeple. Ken is sheeple, he hasn't ever had an original thought of his own to offer the board. Every post is a thought from another, sent to him by email, that he is told to promote by "leaders" of his party.
I don't think that being a vet makes anybody less likely to become sheeple. Ken is sheeple, he hasn't ever had an original thought of his own to offer the board. Every post is a thought from another, sent to him by email, that he is told to promote by "leaders" of his party.

I believe your assumption of Ken can be applied to any number of right wingers here who quote Breitbart, FOX and CNS on a daily basis, posting lengthly c/p'd opinion pieces based not on facts but assumptions and unverified sources, most likely each other.

The cartoons posted by Ken are succinct, insightful, and worthy of reading and discussion. Rarely, if ever, does he attack others and that in itself should make him a valuable member of this forum.
Diane Feinstein co-authored the original bill. Perhaps she dusted it off after Gabby Giffords was gunned down at the behest of Sarah Palin?

How horrible! Whomever that terrible person was who used his first amendment rights to free speech should be tarred and burned!

How horrible! How dare the mods/admins not respond immediately to your complaints of unfair treatment at the hand of those duplicitious democrats!

The rich parents of those children are paying the price for the protection of their children.

I suggested earlier that a tax applied to guns and ammo should cover the professional training and arming of our teachers in public schools. Of course, by necessity it would be a high tax...there's 6.6 million teachers out there.

But I'm sure you'd wholeheartedly pay it, right? Just to keep your kids as safe as those rich kids?

btw - That school offers scholarships to underprivileged children who share the same security as the rich kids. How dare they!
So it's freedom of speech.
Why do you fanatical liberal totalitarians pass laws that jail teens for making threats to kill?

Double standards.
No logic!
I believe your assumption of Ken can be applied to any number of right wingers here who quote Breitbart, FOX and CNS on a daily basis, posting lengthly c/p'd opinion pieces based not on facts but assumptions and unverified sources, most likely each other.

The cartoons posted by Ken are succinct, insightful, and worthy of reading and discussion. Rarely, if ever, does he attack others and that in itself should make him a valuable member of this forum.

complete and utter horseshit.
Oh it disappeared. Well since it happens so often, can you alert me the next time? I have been online since January of 2002 and I have never seen anyone, of any political ideology, threaten to murder someone's children and rape their wife. So I would like to see it when it happens. Thanks.

Lying liar is lying.
I don't think that being a vet makes anybody less likely to become sheeple. Ken is sheeple, he hasn't ever had an original thought of his own to offer the board. Every post is a thought from another, sent to him by email, that he is told to promote by "leaders" of his party.

You couldn't be more incorrect. Ken routinely responds to topics with extraordinarily apropriate works of others, a form of creativity itself.
I don't think that being a vet makes anybody less likely to become sheeple. Ken is sheeple, he hasn't ever had an original thought of his own to offer the board. Every post is a thought from another, sent to him by email, that he is told to promote by "leaders" of his party.

Maybe the cartoons he shares speak to him and express who he feels better than his own words.

How many thoughts are actually original? You share things you have read or heard and the reason you do is because those ideas express your thoughts.

I think you are being unfair in your criticism of Ken, but then I have seen him be devoted to this practice for over 10 years, I think that says something.

Also, his cartoons usually generate posts, which should benefit the site.

It isn't like this is the meetings of the greatest minds and we are here to solve the worlds problems, well, there might be a few on here who feel that way, but really, we all just come here for self expression.
Maybe the cartoons he shares speak to him and express who he feels better than his own words.

How many thoughts are actually original? You share things you have read or heard and the reason you do is because those ideas express your thoughts.

I think you are being unfair in your criticism of Ken, but then I have seen him be devoted to this practice for over 10 years, I think that says something.

Also, his cartoons usually generate posts, which should benefit the site.

It isn't like this is the meetings of the greatest minds and we are here to solve the worlds problems, well, there might be a few on here who feel that way, but really, we all just come here for self expression.

The men all think they are the greatest minds convened for some grand think tank! More like a stink tank!
The men all think they are the greatest minds convened for some grand think tank! More like a stink tank!

Well, I didn't want to point that out and start another gender war, but what the hell! I bet they think all their thoughts are original!
Maybe the cartoons he shares speak to him and express who he feels better than his own words.

How many thoughts are actually original? You share things you have read or heard and the reason you do is because those ideas express your thoughts.

I think you are being unfair in your criticism of Ken, but then I have seen him be devoted to this practice for over 10 years, I think that says something.

Also, his cartoons usually generate posts, which should benefit the site.

It isn't like this is the meetings of the greatest minds and we are here to solve the worlds problems, well, there might be a few on here who feel that way, but really, we all just come here for self expression.

I think some come here for escape. I have been thinking a lot about why I come here, since I was trying to leave. And I think it's an escape. I hardly ever even write long, thoughful posts anymore, and haven't in some time. It's rare that I do. I know I'm not going to change anyone's mind, what's the point? But coming here, for instance, like today I am sick. So I am trying really hard to stay in bed so that I feel better by Monday because I am having a large New Year's Eve party. And I get bored in bed (but only because I am sick Ha! no noise from the cheap seats) so I read this board. And during the week I work really hard, and reading this board and commenting here gives me an escape from stress, and rest from constant multi-tasking. If I can have a laugh, that is even better, which is why I like when it is much less hostile...but lately it's not that way often. This week I tried to ignore all that and make my own fun here, ranking on Cawacko, and stuff like that. It mostly worked.
I think some come here for escape. I have been thinking a lot about why I come here, since I was trying to leave. And I think it's an escape. I hardly ever even write long, thoughful posts anymore, and haven't in some time. It's rare that I do. I know I'm not going to change anyone's mind, what's the point? But coming here, for instance, like today I am sick. So I am trying really hard to stay in bed so that I feel better by Monday because I am having a large New Year's Eve party. And I get bored in bed (but only because I am sick Ha! no noise from the cheap seats) so I read this board. And during the week I work really hard, and reading this board and commenting here gives me an escape from stress, and rest from constant multi-tasking. If I can have a laugh, that is even better, which is why I like when it is much less hostile...but lately it's not that way often. This week I tried to ignore all that and make my own fun here, ranking on Cawacko, and stuff like that. It mostly worked.

I do come here to get a feel for how the other side thinks. It had much better representation in the past, still a few who make me think.

I find ignoring those who only come here to agitate is best, there are some good pople here, who I decided I would miss if I ever left! There is a lot of history.

I am watching basketball today.
The rich parents of those children are paying the price for the protection of their children.

I suggested earlier that a tax applied to guns and ammo should cover the professional training and arming of our teachers in public schools. Of course, by necessity it would be a high tax...there's 6.6 million teachers out there.

But I'm sure you'd wholeheartedly pay it, right? Just to keep your kids as safe as those rich kids?

btw - That school offers scholarships to underprivileged children who share the same security as the rich kids. How dare they!

6.6 Million, when there are 350 Million people in the us, wouldn't be that high of a tax. Really, it wouldn't. However you can't tax a right, the SCOTUS ruled on that, the power to tax is the power to destroy (it's why churches aren't taxed if you want to start looking, also why poll taxes were unconstitutional). You'd need to find something else to tax.
Europe has way less guns and way less murders.

The UK murder rate Increased after they imposed the firearms ban.

Double the number of police officers shot and killed on duty.
Double the gun crime.
Increased frequency of mass shooting incidents.

Violent crime increased 16 fold since 1997, murders by stabbing doubled each year since handguns were completely banned.

Did you get that?
Gun and violent crime increased in the UK since their extremely strict gun control was put in place.