How did the left destroy family values?
It was a multi-pronged, calculated war on basic values.
Lenin, one of the foundational leaders of the democrat left observed that people in a functional society will place loyalty to their family above loyalty to the state.
This is not acceptable, as the foundation of leftist is that the state is supreme and above all.
Another foundational leader of the democrats wrote;
“Everything for the state, nothing outside the state, nothing above the state”
The family is an obstacle to the absolute power you of the left lust for.
But you asked HOW your Reich destroyed the family - and that was a multi-pronged war. Obviously the culture war is a major part of it. Promotion of a generational divide to drive a wedge between children, parents, and grandparents. Entertainment carries water for the fascist/Marxist left and portrays the family unit as "lame" in the mildest case, and toxic in most cases. Promotion of drugs and homosexuality to clash with Judeo-Christian values.
And of course the welfare state to evict men from the family structure and replace them with the state as the father - an absent father, but the only one allowed if the welfare is to keep flowing.
"The Party is Mother, The Party is Father, All Loyalty to the Party." - Joseph Stalin
Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini - the unholy trinity of the left. Everything the democrat party does and believes stems from these three.
How is having a gun a family value when it makes your family less safe? You say the craziest shit.
The right to defend oneself and one's family is self-reliance that the left violently opposes. All must be dependent on the state for any protection the state sees fit to offer.