Army officer wouldn't ship out, faces court martial

"Ritter was RIGHT. Bush was WRONG

So, we'll be believing Ritter's credibility, before Bush's from now on."

Do you even READ the links that you yourself provide? How do you explain the incredible discrepancies in Ritters comments and act as though he is somehow credible?????????
"They bought their tickets and are on their own. except for the usual stuff we have always done thru the embassies and such.
I am sort of the same way on MTN climbers, they want to challenge death, why risk others lives to bail them out from their challenge ?"

Well shit, people choose to live in flood plains... why help them when levees break (for that matter why build levees for them anyway)?

People live in areas knowing that tornadoes or earthquakes are possibilities... why bother spending money to help them????

People live in bad neigborhoods with high crime rates.... since they choose not to leave, fuck em, they are on their own.???? Right????
You have it figured out now Super. I am not about proctecting people from their own stupidity.
buy a house on the FL coast and then whine because a hurricane tears it up ?
All houses on the florida coast will eventually be torn up by hurricanes.
"Ritter was RIGHT. Bush was WRONG

So, we'll be believing Ritter's credibility, before Bush's from now on."

Do you even READ the links that you yourself provide? How do you explain the incredible discrepancies in Ritters comments and act as though he is somehow credible?????????

Who was right about Iraq and WMD, on the eve of the invasion - Bush? Or Ritter?
"Hamas has never attacked us. And has never announced an intention for doing so. Their limited goal is to end israeli occupation of the west bank. Attacking kansas city does not advance that goal. "

#1) Why the fuck ya gotta bring KC into this? Now its personal ;)

#2) Do you really believe that Hamas's goal is to remove Israel from the west bank? Or is it to simply remove Israel?

#3) AGAIN... Hamas et all see the US support of Israel as a MAJOR hinderance. Do you really believe that if they were provided the money and weaponry that they would not attack us? Is so, you are hopelessly naive.

"BTW: Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt give money to families of suicide bombers. Are you suggestiing we need to invade those three countries too?"


The governments of those countries (to my knowledge) do not give money to the support of terrorist groups. (at least not as openly as Saddam)

We would also have no justification at all for going into those countries. With Saddam, we had justification.... although as I mentioned, I still think we should have waited.

It would be like bombing Boston because the Kennedy's and others supported the IRA. ;)

Bush said he would make no distinction between terrorists and the governments that harbor them.

Charities in Saudi arabia and the gulf states give money to palestinian bombers. In full, open view of the government.

by your standard, we should be invading saudi arabia and the gulf states.

Look dude, if you think invading iraq was worth it, because the surviving family members of a palestian suicide bomber got money from Iraq, or Saudi Arabia, or Qatar, or whatever, you're welcome to hold that opinon. ;)

As for me, I know there's no evidence anti-iranian terrorists or Hamas are a threat to the united states. They're goal is directed towards Iran and Israel, respetively.
"You have it figured out now Super. I am not about proctecting people from their own stupidity."

Fine. Then no more bitching from overweight people about healthcare costs. They are on their own. If you don't exercise and eat healthy... fuck you... you deserve what you get.

No more bitching about Bush's handling of Katrina... because fuck em... they CHOSE to live below sea level.

No more bitching about big tobacco... because people know the risks and they CHOOSE to still use the products.

No more bitching about big oil... because we all CHOOSE how much we want to travel and the method in which we do so. We also CHOOSE how to heat our homes etc.... we don't have to use oil... it just makes things easier.

No more bitching about Social security being privatized, because fuck everyone else, I'll handle my own.... if someone else is too stupid to do so, well Darwin wins.

No more lawsuits allowed due to the stupidity of people. Someone feels like breaking into another persons home... know you might get hurt or killed. You misuse a product and get hurt.... your fault.

The time for personal responsibility to make a comeback is more than welcome by me. But can you liberals actually live with those rules?
"Look dude, if you think invading iraq was worth it, because the surviving family members of a palestian suicide bomber got money from Iraq, or Saudi Arabia, or Qatar, or whatever, you're welcome to hold that opinon. "

My god but you are an ignornant fuck. How many times do I have to say that going into Iraq when we did was a mistake before you understand it? You keep trying to twist this away from the fact that your beloved UN fucked up. Had they not fucked up for TWELVE YEARS.... this war would never have happened. HAD Clinton followed through with going after Al Queda after the 1993 bombing... 9/11 might not have ever even occurred. (Please note: I did say MIGHT)
Bottom line Cypress.... if you truly want to use the hindsight you are so obviously fond of.... then exactly how far do you want to go back?

using hindsight...

Had Bush Sr ignored the UN and removed Saddam in 1991, Saddam would have been long gone and we would have had the support of the Shiites and Kurds who at the time were willing to fight Saddam WITH us.

Had Clinton and the Rep Congress done everything in their power to hunt down Al Queda after the 1993 bombing or the 1998 bombings, 9/11 probably would not have happened.

Had the UN done its job, this war never would have happened.
No more bitching about Social security being privatized, because fuck everyone else, I'll handle my own....
bullshit, I have paid a lot of money into SS and I at least want my money back.
had Regan and pappy bush raised a stink about Sadams use of chemical weapons when he did it.....
How many years did the repubs wait to bring up the issue ?
"No more bitching about Social security being privatized, because fuck everyone else, I'll handle my own....
bullshit, I have paid a lot of money into SS and I at least want my money back."

By privatizing the Government would set aside the money that you have paid in and they would have to find another way to pay for the money they have squandered over the years. YOU WOULD NOT LOSE YOUR MONEY. THAT IS JUST THE FEARMONGERING FROM THE LEFT's TALKING POINTS.
"had Regan and pappy bush raised a stink about Sadams use of chemical weapons when he did it....."


2) funny how with hindsight, we can pick apart any major decision.
"No more bitching about Social security being privatized, because fuck everyone else, I'll handle my own....
bullshit, I have paid a lot of money into SS and I at least want my money back."

By privatizing the Government would set aside the money that you have paid in and they would have to find another way to pay for the money they have squandered over the years. YOU WOULD NOT LOSE YOUR MONEY. THAT IS JUST THE FEARMONGERING FROM THE LEFT's TALKING POINTS.

Hey I have seen many people have to pospone retirement because of what a market drop did to their 401k.
"had Regan and pappy bush raised a stink about Sadams use of chemical weapons when he did it....."


2) funny how with hindsight, we can pick apart any major decision.

Not hindsight, I was here then and am still here, with exactly the same attitude now about the USA "sanctioning" Sadams use of chemical weapons, by officially having a no confidence opinion on the matter.

Hmmm could we be causing some of what is wrong with the UN ?