Army recruitment ads: China vs. Russia vs.USA

So you and Kremlin Cruz enjoy and giggle at KGB propoganda, eh?

Anyone can make a three minute video showing muscular and intimidating elite Spetsnaz special forces.

It is especially easy to make if your and Cruz's goal is to make US armed forces look wimpy compared to terrifying Russian soldiers.

The truth is the Russian Federation has a conscript army of mostly teenagers. From what I have seen, garden variety Russian soldiers do not look any more intimidating than U.S. Army or Marine Corps enlisted personnel.

If you and Cruz want to giggle at how awesome elite Spetsnaz soldiers are, why not compare them to Navy Seals or Delta Force?
I just have to giggle at that ad. But seriously , enlisted army guys are pretty much aimless post adolescents and poor students that haven't quite figured out what to do with their lives. Apparently same in Germany, so my wife tells me.
I just have to giggle at that ad. But seriously , enlisted army guys are pretty much aimless post adolescents and poor students that haven't quite figured out what to do with their lives. Apparently same in Germany, so my wife tells me.

But why do conservatives think it's so great that a Kremlin-produced video which selectively featured their most elite Spetsnaz forces in an attempt to make America's armed forces look wimpy?

What appeals to conservatives about that?

I could make a video of elite Navy Seals, and they could easily stand toe to toe with Spetsnaz for the intimidation factor.
But why do conservatives think it's so great that a Kremlin-produced video which selectively featured their most elite Spetsnaz forces in an attempt to make America's armed forces look wimpy?

What appeals to conservatives about that?

Honestly, you need to ask a con that question. I’m very much a liberal. The point of the OP is that the army is now obviously attempting to attract SJW’s and soy boys.