Around world, gun rules, and results, vary wildly

It's clear you hate Americans .
All your opinions are based on mindless hate.
You are a hater.
Just like the KKK, the Nazis and combat 18.

Your opinions have no value to American politics.

Know your place filth foreigner.

The adjective is 'filthy', dumb phoney yank.
The adjective is 'filthy', dumb phoney yank.
Use of hate speech to refer to Americans.
Typical, envious foreigner!!

I'm not a phony anything.
I'm a British Citizen residing lawfully and legally in the USA.
You are not.
Keep your hate filled nose out of what don't concern you!

Worry about your own backward homeland.
But you contradict yourself.
When Britain had more guns there were less murders.
In 1998 guns were banned.

Now there are less guns but more murders, more gun crime and the same number of mass shootings!

In the 15 years since the UK gun ban there have been more police officers shot on duty than in the 25 years preceding the ban.

Care to explain?
Groan away, you clearly cannot explain!
Ban guns here and crime will explode as it did in the UK.
Use of hate speech to refer to Americans.
Typical, envious foreigner!!

I'm not a phony anything.
I'm a British Citizen residing lawfully and legally in the USA.
You are not.
Keep your hate filled nose out of what don't concern you!

Worry about your own backward homeland.

I think it wise not to infuriate you further. Honestly I suggest you 'see someone'.