As a black American, you'd be nuts not to be a republican

No, Mitt Romney is a lot of things, but he's not a Marxist Socialist. I just fundamentally disagree they have the same views. Mitt is a businessman, Obama doesn't know or comprehend the first thing about business. Romney has been a success in business, Obama has never accomplished anything in business. Romney believes in the power of capitalism and free enterprise, while Obama reviles them and wants to destroy capitalism. Romney believes in supply-side economics, while Obama believes in Keynesian economics. The two men are as different as night and day.

But beyond ALL of this... the REALITY is, one of two men will be elected president on Nov. 6, and neither of them are Gary Johnson. Sorry, that's reality.
So in Business they are not the same. Look at the video I posted. Mitt says he is pro-choice, pro-obama care, anti Reagan, pro-stimulus, believes that Global Warming is caused in part by humans, that TARP was the right thing to do, and where he said that he was against the auto bailout and then says he is in favor of it. He has held every single position that obama has held. He has been for it before he was against it more times than Kerry.
No, we're going to let people vote who can prove they have the legitimate right to vote and haven't already voted.

Do you want me to illustrate what is about to happen, if you don't allow fair elections with such standards of verification? After losing a few elections, the other side finally realizes they can't win elections unless they pull the same stunts and stuff the ballot box too... so they do. Then what we have, is a total hot mess, because NONE of the votes are legitimate. We simply have a contest every 4 years to see who can cheat the best. Those who win political power, are the ones who were best at cheating, and once they are in power, fuck you all. Now is that the kind of system our founding fathers envisioned? I don't think so.

We are going to maintain integrity in the election process because we HAVE to. Not because Republicans want to disenfranchise people, not because Republicans want to prevent people from voting, and not because Republicans hate brown people... but because elections have to be legitimate.
Show some facts that, other than the right wing, there has been voter fraud anywhere in this country that would endanger our elections?
No, I am not voting for either man because both men are the same. Go look at the video I posted on Mitt holding opposing views on several different issues. You are so DESPERATE to get Obama out of office that you will vote for a guy that 4 short years ago held almost the same views as Obama. You are so myopic, you can't even see that.
The requirement for president?

Pick a Republican with enough working digits to handle a pen to become president of the United States. This is a change for Republicans: the House and Senate doing the work with the president signing bills. His job is to be captain of the team, to sign the legislation that has already been prepared.

All we need is another much for being a patriot and upholding those constitutional values!
So in Business they are not the same. Look at the video I posted. Mitt says he is pro-choice, pro-obama care, anti Reagan, pro-stimulus, believes that Global Warming is caused in part by humans, that TARP was the right thing to do, and where he said that he was against the auto bailout and then says he is in favor of it. He has held every single position that obama has held. He has been for it before he was against it more times than Kerry.

Proving that you can piece together effective propaganda on pretty much anyone in the public eye. Hooray!

For all intents and purposes, Romney is a populist. He is very much like Clinton. I think populists make pretty decent presidents most of the time, Clinton turns out to be pretty good in spite of his personal shortcomings, in terms of economic stewardship. The main problem with Romney is, he always seems to sound like he is trying to explain the lipstick stain on his collar when he speaks... I don't know how else to put it... he sounds like he is trying to convince people he is sincere, and people who are sincere and speak from the heart with passion, don't feel compelled to do that. It worries me, it makes me think he was the wrong guy for the GOP to pick, but that's who was picked. The voters spoke.

November 6, the voters will speak again, and either Romney will defeat the incumbent or the incumbent gets a second term. No other reality exists.

Pretending that supporting Johnson or whoever, is going to somehow effect reality, is foolish and you are a fool. That's not an ad hom. That's reality.
I agree with Lo. From bitter experience I've learned that voting third party is a wasted vote. Unless we change our system to a proportionate one then we are pretty much stuck with out two party system and you are better off joining one of the coalitions within either of the two existing parties. That doesn't mean you have to be a partisan, but it does mean you have to work with other groups to build a coalition. If you don't, you'll be on the outside looking in and not getting anything done.

If our system is non-responsive and non-repersentative it is probably a reflection of the publics apathy and not a flaw in our political system, which I happen to think is a very good one.

From my point of view, the problem lies in how the "third parties" candidates behave.
The majority of the time the only time we hear anything about the candidage, is when they decide to run for the Office of the Presidency.

Where is the unity to promote their own candidates?
Where is there an effort to get elected in local Governments?
Well that's a very principled stand and I congratulate you for that as I've been down that road before. However, what did it accomplish? The current system is still being perpetuated with no indication that it will change anytime soon.

He voted his conscience .. is what it accomplished.

Things won't change because of political system has been bought, our politicians sold, and the American voter bamboozled..
Voting for the 'lesser of 2 evils' or voting for your incredibly mis-characterized 'all white 'party' amounts to the same thing.....

Except I'm pretty sure I'd would vote for lesser evil before I voted for an all-white party of obstructionists.

The good news is that I don't have to vote for either one of them.
Well that's a very principled stand and I congratulate you for that as I've been down that road before. However, what did it accomplish? The current system is still being perpetuated with no indication that it will change anytime soon.

In addition to voting my conscience, I closed the gap between the 2 major parties and a 3rd party. Albiet, I closed it by a minute amount. But I did my part. One more vote for a quality candidate and one less for one of those that has been purchased by big money.
In addition to voting my conscience, I closed the gap between the 2 major parties and a 3rd party. Albiet, I closed it by a minute amount. But I did my part. One more vote for a quality candidate and one less for one of those that has been purchased by big money.

No, it's one stupid moronic wasted vote that could have gone to defeating a Marxist Socialist who would just as soon you not have the right to vote. You closed no gap, you simply wasted a vote for nothing, because you believe in a fantasy. It won't change the outcome, it won't change the tone of debate, it won't cause either party to suddenly adopt your ideology and become completely suitable to you. This is a fantasy world you live in, and believe wholeheartedly in, but isn't reality. Other idiots will enable your stupidity by praising your 'courage', but it takes no courage to do something idiotic and foolish.

The result will be, you'll get another 4 years of Socialist Marxism, and we'll all have to live with that. In four years, the right will nominate another GOP candidate, and you can again choose to be irrelevant while Democrats march in lockstep behind whatever Socialist they pick to run. This will continue until the Socialists finally take your right to vote and you have no choice at all. Standing for principles is fine, but at this particular time, you need to be standing for your country. Anything else is just plain boneheaded.
No, it's one stupid moronic wasted vote that could have gone to defeating a Marxist Socialist who would just as soon you not have the right to vote. You closed no gap, you simply wasted a vote for nothing, because you believe in a fantasy. It won't change the outcome, it won't change the tone of debate, it won't cause either party to suddenly adopt your ideology and become completely suitable to you. This is a fantasy world you live in, and believe wholeheartedly in, but isn't reality. Other idiots will enable your stupidity by praising your 'courage', but it takes no courage to do something idiotic and foolish.

The result will be, you'll get another 4 years of Socialist Marxism, and we'll all have to live with that. In four years, the right will nominate another GOP candidate, and you can again choose to be irrelevant while Democrats march in lockstep behind whatever Socialist they pick to run. This will continue until the Socialists finally take your right to vote and you have no choice at all. Standing for principles is fine, but at this particular time, you need to be standing for your country. Anything else is just plain boneheaded.

The only reason my vote does not accomplish more is because all you sheep keep following the crooks. Remember the old definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Dixie, neither party has done what they promised or what is in the best interest of the nation. That you keep voting for either of them is ridiculous. You can call me a fool all you want. At least I am trying to make a difference and not perpetuating the problems.
The only reason my vote does not accomplish more is because all you sheep keep following the crooks. Remember the old definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Dixie, neither party has done what they promised or what is in the best interest of the nation. That you keep voting for either of them is ridiculous. You can call me a fool all you want. At least I am trying to make a difference and not perpetuating the problems.

Let's be clear, your vote accomplishes NOTHING. You aren't HELPING anything, or CHANGING anything. You aren't making a difference, other than to enable Socialists to continue to run the country, because they ARE going to vote for the Democrat, and they DO understand what is reality.

I asked you once before, how many times has your guy won? You should take your own advice about 'insanity' to heart here.
Let's be clear, your vote accomplishes NOTHING. You aren't HELPING anything, or CHANGING anything. You aren't making a difference, other than to enable Socialists to continue to run the country, because they ARE going to vote for the Democrat, and they DO understand what is reality.

I asked you once before, how many times has your guy won? You should take your own advice about 'insanity' to heart here.

The socialists are not running america. That is one of the most stupid and wilful misunderstandings ever voiced. The sad thing is that you know that but your stupid pride will not allow you to say so. You MUST believe what your peers believe, you must not change what passes for a mind because you might look weak.
The socialists are not running america. That is one of the most stupid and wilful misunderstandings ever voiced. The sad thing is that you know that but your stupid pride will not allow you to say so. You MUST believe what your peers believe, you must not change what passes for a mind because you might look weak.

Yes, the Socialists are currently running America. Everything Obama espouses is Socialist, straight from the pages of Marx. It has nothing to do with what anyone says except Obama, his very own words, his very own arguments, his very own ideological points... which all match precisely with Marxist Socialism. He is an American version of Hugo Chavez. We've already seen a glimpse of the totalitarian regime he plans to operate in his second term, when he tells us if Congress won't act, he'll just rule by decree of executive order, like a third-world tin-horn thug dictator. The man has no respect for the private sector, free enterprise, capitalism, or even the American people. He has done tremendous damage to our country and our constitution, and plans to do much more if reelected. This man HATES America and what we stand for. ....But apparently, so do about 48% of Obama-supporting Americans, who would vote for him regardless of anything he did.
Let's be clear, your vote accomplishes NOTHING. You aren't HELPING anything, or CHANGING anything. You aren't making a difference, other than to enable Socialists to continue to run the country, because they ARE going to vote for the Democrat, and they DO understand what is reality.

I asked you once before, how many times has your guy won? You should take your own advice about 'insanity' to heart here.

Its funny that you claim my vote does nothing where the 3rd party is concerned, but it accomplishes so much where the "socialists" are concerned. Does my vote count more if I vote republican?

According to you, my vote for a 3rd party accomplishes nothing, but by voting republican I can stop the downfall of America. So much bullshit, Dixie. The republicans are just as responsible for the mess we are in as the democrats. The sooner you get over this nonsense about it being one or the other, the sooner we can get more votes for candidates that can actually accomplish something.

If my one vote is worthless when cast for a 3rd party, it certainly isn't worth more when cast for republicans.
Its funny that you claim my vote does nothing where the 3rd party is concerned, but it accomplishes so much where the "socialists" are concerned. Does my vote count more if I vote republican?

According to you, my vote for a 3rd party accomplishes nothing, but by voting republican I can stop the downfall of America. So much bullshit, Dixie. The republicans are just as responsible for the mess we are in as the democrats. The sooner you get over this nonsense about it being one or the other, the sooner we can get more votes for candidates that can actually accomplish something.

If my one vote is worthless when cast for a 3rd party, it certainly isn't worth more when cast for republicans.

No, your vote counts SOME when you vote for a Republican, it counts for NOTHING if you vote third party.

There is no nonsense, there is no bullshit, we live in the reality of a two party system. One is currently in power, the other is trying to gain power. One of two "accomplishments" will happen on November 6th.... Obama accomplishes getting re-elected, or Romney accomplishes defeating Obama. There is no other option, and nothing else to be accomplished. That's not bullshit or nonsense, it's reality. If you had 10x the support for a third party candidate as you have now, or are ever going to get, you'd still not change the reality of the two possible outcomes. Even if by fluke, you managed to somehow witness a miracle and get 100x the support, and actually WON, your 3rd party guy would never be able to govern with a R/D Congress, they wouldn't pass his legislation or go along with his proposals. He would be attacked ruthlessly by the Democrats AND Republicans, and NOTHING would be accomplished. So even if you managed to accomplish the fantasy you dream of, you still wouldn't accomplish anything.

You are actually making the boneheaded argument that if shooting up into the air is pointless, so is shooting at the target! I'm really surprised you aren't a Joe Biden fan.... you two have SO much in common!
Yes, the Socialists are currently running America. Everything Obama espouses is Socialist, straight from the pages of Marx. It has nothing to do with what anyone says except Obama, his very own words, his very own arguments, his very own ideological points... which all match precisely with Marxist Socialism. He is an American version of Hugo Chavez. We've already seen a glimpse of the totalitarian regime he plans to operate in his second term, when he tells us if Congress won't act, he'll just rule by decree of executive order, like a third-world tin-horn thug dictator. The man has no respect for the private sector, free enterprise, capitalism, or even the American people. He has done tremendous damage to our country and our constitution, and plans to do much more if reelected. This man HATES America and what we stand for. ....But apparently, so do about 48% of Obama-supporting Americans, who would vote for him regardless of anything he did.

Dixie, by all means label Obamas policies left of centre. That is what they might be. They are NOT left wing and they are certainly NOT socialist... and, before you lose it completely, they are not communist.
I know you to be a cantankerous old fart, but I also know you are not completely stupid. So lets be sensible. That you do not like left wing politics is fine and the basis for sensible discussion, but please do not try to appear completely stupid.