As George Carlin said, "Don't ever lose that, man!"

They don't want people who are smart enough to sit around a kitchen table and think about how badly they're getting fucked by a system that threw them overboard 30 fuckin' years ago.
Carlin the Wise
No, Carlin's message was more like People are generally stupid. Some people are intentionally stupid.

No, it was that we have been betrayed, and almost everyone is too ignorant to know, in part because our overlords do everything they cant to keep people from figuring out what is going on. Carlin never used the words but he knew that we are victims in a psyops war. He was trying to wake us up.
Left wingers can't figure out how to demean others without coming off as the angry, unfulfilled, assholes they are...

Seriously, how the hell can one take a positive message and turn it into "us versus them" political ideology match?

If you live long enough and read outside your comfort zone, you get a surprising take on a lot of things in life. Some of the most popular and loved TV comic characters were in real life raging, bitter bigots and misogynists. And some of the most wildly irrelevant "counter culture" comics and comedic writers voted for Reagan and/or Bush. THAT doesn't take away their talent, or what made me laugh my butt off!

Life is weird that way.
No, Carlin's message was more like People are generally stupid. Some people are intentionally stupid.

And don't forget his searing insights into all the institutions and societal mores/ they conservative or liberal. A co-worker of mine once said that he had stopped listening to Carlin in his later years because, "he's just angry all the time". I say the irreverent humor was still there, it was just overshadowed by the social commentary.