I do not consider cap and trade taxes (proposed) as breaking his promise not to increase taxes on people making less than $250,000. I think it is stupid. I know for certain it will, in fact, hurt the lower income brackets most as the end result will be people facing a 20% or more increase for their power bill. It definitely falls under the heading of taxing anything that twitches. But not as a tax on lower income, no. A power bill is not taxes.
If you read Onceler's diatribe, he keeps harping on a statement I made a long time ago when I said one of the things I would do differently than the current democratic leadership is I would not tax everything that twitches. (I was referring to, of course, the myriad of proposed tax increases and/or new taxes being talked about at the time.) He makes hay out of that statement every time he can (poor dumb bastard). As such, I named a bunch of proposed taxes and fees that do NOT fall under the heading of taxing people making less than $250,000, but DO fall under the heading of taxing "everything that twitches".
OTOH, placing or increasing federal taxes on anything that is directly purchased by the common public, from cigarettes and alcohol (already in effect) to gasoline and fuel oil (on the table) IS raising the TAXES people pay, including those making under $250K.
As an additional note, when Obama made the statement that people making less than $250,000 would not see ANY of their taxes increase, he was responding to an accusation that even if he didn't raise income taxes, many of his plans called for other tax increases affecting the lower income brackets. Onceler can make it mean whatever it takes for him to excuse the past and coming tax increases, but taken in context of the situation, when Obama said ANY he meant ANY, not just various forms of income.