As Rudy's World Turns


This is really something. So, Rudy and his wife have six marriages between them now. And these two don't just get divorced. Kidnapping charges, abuse, who has to get a restraining order to keep whose mistress out of her home. Really riveting stuff.

And they make snarky remarks about not wanting another four year's of Bill's sexual scandals. Are they kidding? We know what his problem is, he can't keep it zipped. (though I wonder if that heart attack has cooled him off, they can have that effect, especially if you're on medication afterwards). But never anything like this. Should we elect Rudy just for the entertainment value? It won't be boring, that's for sure.

An Earlier Marriage for Giuliani’s Wife
Judith Nathan had been married twice, and not once as generally believed, before she wed Rudolph W. Giuliani in 2003, aides on the Giuliani presidential campaign said last night.

The first marriage, to Jeffrey Scott Ross in 1974, was reported yesterday by The New York Post on its Web site. Ms. Nathan, then Ms. Stish, was about 20 at the time of her first marriage, the article said.

The couple divorced in 1979, the same year she met and married Bruce Nathan, a wealthy businessman, Giuliani aides said. That marriage unraveled in the early 1990s, ending in a fiercely bitter divorce as the two traded accusations, she of abuse, he of kidnapping. The couple also fought over custody of their daughter.

Mr. Giuliani, who has also been married three times, has known about the marriage since early in their relationship, his aides said.

Mr. Giuliani’s 14-year marriage to his first wife, Regina Peruggi, was annulled on the grounds that they failed to seek a church dispensation as second cousins once removed. He announced his separation from his second wife, Donna Hanover, in a news conference in 2000.
Six marriages? Estranged kids? This sounds like Hollywood, not a GOP primary candidate.

I know! Things are coming out that even I didn't know, and living in NY during his entire adminstration, I thought I knew everything about his personal shennigans. It's really something. And do people change that much? I don't believe so. If he gets another itch, he's going to scratch. His current wife was not his first affair while married to Donna and during the time he was Mayor.
I know people that have been married three times. Doesn't mean they're horrible people.

But, realistically, americans (and particularly republicans) typically expect their presidents to not have had such an exotic personal past.
I know people that have been married three times. Doesn't mean they're horrible people.

But, realistically, americans (and particularly republicans) typically expect their presidents to not have had such an exotic personal past.

Yes, my aunt has been married three times. I'm not making this up, I swear to God, she's a right wing Republican. Cracks me up. But, she's not a horrible person. Of course, she never moved into her married boyfriend's house and had his wife have to get a restraining order against her. And there were no charges of kidnapping, whatever happened there. Must be some story.
Funny, I could have sworn Dems in the 90's were bitching about staying out of Clintons personal life.... and they were correct.

I could care less if he has had 30 divorces. What kind of leadership skills has he demonstrated? THAT is what matters. He did a great job in running NYC. He handled 9/11 very well. He is moderate on social issues, though likely won't push an agenda on those topics. He is relatively fiscally responisible (as far as politicians go).

But go ahead... keep harping on the trivial bullshit. Just don't come crying to the board if someone starts harping on the personal lives of any of the Dems.
Funny, I could have sworn Dems in the 90's were bitching about staying out of Clintons personal life.... and they were correct.

I could care less if he has had 30 divorces. What kind of leadership skills has he demonstrated? THAT is what matters. He did a great job in running NYC. He handled 9/11 very well. He is moderate on social issues, though likely won't push an agenda on those topics. He is relatively fiscally responisible (as far as politicians go).

But go ahead... keep harping on the trivial bullshit. Just don't come crying to the board if someone starts harping on the personal lives of any of the Dems.

I agree they should stay out of Rudy's personal business, but Republicans are the ones who say personal business matters so much. I just think its sooo hypocritical for SOME republicans and cons to support him. You think President Clinton's personal life was a mess. Just wait till the door opens to Rudy's bedroom.
I agree they should stay out of Rudy's personal business, but Republicans are the ones who say personal business matters so much. I just think its sooo hypocritical for SOME republicans and cons to support him. You think President Clinton's personal life was a mess. Just wait till the door opens to Rudy's bedroom.

Well said Jarod. Thanks for saving me the trouble.
I agree they should stay out of Rudy's personal business, but Republicans are the ones who say personal business matters so much. I just think its sooo hypocritical for SOME republicans and cons to support him. You think President Clinton's personal life was a mess. Just wait till the door opens to Rudy's bedroom.


At the republican convention in 2000, I remember all those cons holding up signs that read: "Morality Matters!"

And I never heard a repub at the time say that, well, maybe we shouldn't obsesse about a candidates personal life. Not a single one.

So, if they stay silent about Rudy, I'm gonna rub it in their face.
yeah you need some douche bags on the left to offset all the ones on the right. Darla and cypress are starting the roll call.
yeah you need some douche bags on the left to offset all the ones on the right. Darla and cypress are starting the roll call.

Oh, you don't know the half of it baby!

Top, I see you going from thread to thread insulting me, but I'm too relaxed to get in excited over it.

Sorry you feel this way. Have a good weekend. Hope you make lots of money! See ya.
only 5,000 in the market today but I'll take it. Gotta love black gold.
I love poking fun at dem hipocytes
I could care less what people do in their personal lives.
Give me some liberal policy debates and it's on.
Funny, I could have sworn Dems in the 90's were bitching about staying out of Clintons personal life.... and they were correct.

I could care less if he has had 30 divorces. What kind of leadership skills has he demonstrated? THAT is what matters. He did a great job in running NYC. He handled 9/11 very well. He is moderate on social issues, though likely won't push an agenda on those topics. He is relatively fiscally responisible (as far as politicians go).

But go ahead... keep harping on the trivial bullshit. Just don't come crying to the board if someone starts harping on the personal lives of any of the Dems.

"Just don't come crying to the board if someone starts harping on the personal lives of any of the Dems."

When did it ever stop ?
Well spin considering how this voluntary corporate management thing is going...
the pet food industry is allowed to self manage their food safety by the FDA, the oil refineries are allowed to voluntarilaly manager their safety, etc...
No regulations are needed ?
I can come up with more examples, Enron, ADM price fixing, etc...
there's plenty regulations on refineries, and yes the pet food thing is horrible. I hope some go out of business as their punishment.
The fact remains we are the greatest country because of our corp's.
You'd never get 85,000 and stock gains in a foriegn country.
Corps are a mixed blessing. Apparently there are not enough regulations or enforcement of the regulations on refineries. Read the report on the BP refinery fire....
People shouldn't get married.... people aren't meant to spend their life w/ just one person.... if you end up staying married you end up hating them... marriage is some culty kinda thing.
there's plenty regulations on refineries, and yes the pet food thing is horrible. I hope some go out of business as their punishment.
The fact remains we are the greatest country because of our corp's.
You'd never get 85,000 and stock gains in a foriegn country.
Does the word "Japan" mean anything to you, Bubbi? :rolleyes:

If we are indeed the "greatest country" -- a debatable point in itself, especially since "greatest" is entirely undefined in this context, but let's not go there -- we are so because of our people and our culture. Corporations exist to provide services and goods, not the other way 'round. Like any symbiotic relationship it can become parasitic rather easily.
Corps are a mixed blessing. Apparently there are not enough regulations or enforcement of the regulations on refineries. Read the report on the BP refinery fire....
I agree. Corporations are not only a mixed blessing, they're inevitable. A "free" (sic) market economy won't work without them, I don't believe. Not at our population density.

In many industries we have too little regulation and far too little enforcement. Petroleum refining is one of them.