As Rudy's World Turns

Ornothaving a clue,
Japan is 2/3 per capita of our greatness.
And dipshit we built there economy for them after wwII, they would be lightyears behind that had we not.
Ornothaving a clue,
Japan is 2/3 per capita of our greatness.
And dipshit we built there economy for them after wwII, they would be lightyears behind that had we not.
"2/3 per capita or our greatness?" Ignoring the obvious Dixification possibilities, greatness can be quantified? Do tell!
Back to the topic at hand, Morality does matter, at least to many. There are many right-leaning democrats like myself who will never vote for Rudy because of his sordid affairs.
Back to the topic at hand, Morality does matter, at least to many. There are many right-leaning democrats like myself who will never vote for Rudy because of his sordid affairs.

Well, being far from perfect myself, I really stay away from those matters. The human needs for sex, emotional connection, and love are strong drives.

However, as a woman, I wouldn't vote for Rudy if he was running on the dem ticket against W himself.

It is one thing to grow apart and have an affair. It is one thing to ask for a divorce. It is another thing all together to humiliate your wife, or any woman, in the manner that this POS did to his wife.

As far as I'm concerned he's nothing but a dog.
Ornothaving a clue,
Japan is 2/3 per capita of our greatness.
And dipshit we built there economy for them after wwII, they would be lightyears behind that had we not.

Pretty amazing for Japan considering land mass differences and available resources compared to the USA don't you think ?