As US shows, no political system is safe from those intent to wreck it

EuroDimwits have no place to criticize the American political system.

As for the claim the system is broken; I would disagree. The current fight and shutdown illustrates how well the Constitution is actually working. Our founders deliberately made Government dysfunctional to prevent a political party or President from riding roughshod over the minority or trample individual liberty.

Anyone with half a brain should be more worried when politicians and Government are of one mind and can effectively enact any policy they desire. The effects of that are illustrated by Obamas first term when the dimwits passed every program they ever dreamed of burying us in trillions of debt and an economic malaise on par with EuroDimwits.
It is a pipe dream to think money is going to leave our political system. It's just not going to happen. Throw in the fact that our government's tentacles continue to grow in what it touches and you are going to have even more money involved, example Silicon Valley.
so if money isn't going to leave the 2 party system ( duopoly), spread it around and force coalition type governing.

I know, I know "we can't do that -the Constitution references majoritys" - yes it does, but those majoritys can be SHIFTING alliances;
instead of this crazed blow by blow gridlocked mess the OP shine the light upon.

Stop. Voting. Main Steam. Partys. Do NOT contribute to DNC/RNC or any one associated with them. Go Green. Libertarian. Whatever.

Not more of the same..
I hope they wreck it!
We are still sending billions to countries who don't like us

How would wrecking this greatest Democracy on the planet serve anyone? Yes we are sending billions to countries that sometimes do not serve our best interests; how does that make Government worthy of destruction?

There are some easy ways to force the Government to work in the Sheeples best interest; but first, the sheeple must shed their shackles of dependency and tell their politicians enough.

It may not happen in the next decade, but perhaps the next generation.

If anyone is serious about fixing what is broken, there are two very important steps that need to be taken; (1) abolish the current tax code and supplant it with a Fair Tax, and (2) term limits on Congresspeople of three terms and two terms for Senators and a limit that applies to total service in either branch of Congress.

Once this is in place, you can eliminate uneccesary unconstitutional Executive Departments, eliminate all subsidies and require a majority vote for any foreign aid.

Chaos is never the correct answer.

Spread money around?

Good luck with that.
ex. of the problem of head in the sand thought. "we the people" have the power, if you guys would EVER think along those lines.

But you ( said to no one in particular) DON'T so we WON'T.

arrg. need some 1960's type ORGANIZING ideas...for all keyboard commandos.
You don't have to. You can choose to if you want to. It's really quite fascinating. And it's not like you don't have spare time on your hands.

Oh I will and am reading it; but I'm curious why you can't state your reasons why in your own words? In other words, if it is not done, how will it be undone...based on your learned readings.
How are O-BOMB-YAs' community organizer ideas working for you?
not the same. Community Organizers are paid shills for gov't organizing.

I meant the concept of "we the people" or back then we called it simply "People Power" /damn near stopped the war in Vietnam.
We did what we could. Think "conscience raising"