The Russia effect
Even the Russians couldn’t save Donnie this go round
Unproven claim.
The Russia effect
Even the Russians couldn’t save Donnie this go round
Oh and remember the entire Democratic Party allowed Donnie to take office without playing idiot tricks huh
Unproven claim.
Just our entire intel system documented and announced it took place
But then you hate all Americans including them
That how things should be done in a legitimate election.
Unproven claim.
You believe Putin instead of Americans tasked with keeping us safe
Biden still wins in a landslide!!!!....
but mostly his bank account, a billionaire bilking his poor cultist.
Trumptards have been lied to so much by their leader, they are unable to recognize the truth.
another lib'rul lie........
affidavits mean nothing if there is no actual proof!! i guess trump must have raped 20 women because they signed affidavits.
But... but... he loves them!
While you're here, I have a mod question for you. If a person posts a link to another site that contains information about that person, can others then repeat what they found there publicly? Like if I have a cloud photo album and post a link to it, can others here "borrow" photos from it and re-post them? Asking for a friend.![]()
We discourage it, even though the information was posted by the person, we don’t like information reposted here. We can not stop them from following her link and discovering it for themselves.
We tried to protect the person, Grind even went above and beyond his duty to protect her information from the public, but if she wishes for it to be available, then that is her choice.
As a former Trump supporter you current supporters keep bringing up all these so called sworn affidavits but not one witness was called in any of the law suits. Are you suggesting that the Trump legal team is so inept that they didn't think to subpoena any of the people who signed these mysterious affidavits?
Funny how the tRumptards were not interested in "hearing the truth" during the impeachment
You’re stupid
Here are the many from just last night.